• In the first section lets take a look at the blockchain tokens price over time and flows overall situation.
    • we can see that all the tokens have been dropping nonstop since Nov 22nd, 2021. There are rises in the trend here and there but the the whole trend is descending over time till Nov 2021.
    • In the daily flow Tx count in the second row left corner we can see that there major spikes with ups and downs and one of this spikes happens on Nov 7th, 2022 which is the time that FTX collapsed.
    • Even the daily flow users rise massively above 400k on the same day and its probably the result of the breakdown of FTX and the escape of its users from named platform.
    • Market share of swaps by token for FLOW are shown in the graph bellow, the volume is based on $USD and we can see after USDT the first volume amount belongs to FLOW which approximately is 335.48M.
    • Same as the volume showcase, the number of swaps and swappers by token also goes to FLOW in the second place but swapper wise FLOW is much closer to USDT this time.
    • Despite of USDT having the majority of the volume of swaps (644M USD) the average of swap volumes of FLOW stands out in the first spot with 706 worth of volume.
    • It is worth mentioning that in all the charts FUSD comes very close to FLOW specially on in the number of swaps by tokens, which FLOW has only 4k swaps more than FUSD.
    • The distribution of swaps and swappers by token volume proves that the FUSD distance from FLOW spot is getting tighter and tighter.
    • The swaps count and volume of tokens both get on the low side of the graphs between Feb 4th, 2022 and Apr 17th, 2022.
    • Right after the gap mentioned we can see the massive spikes in numbers between Apr 18th till May 23rd of 2022 and this is the final peek we see from count and volume of swaps on the whole time span and the rest of the way is a pretty much low and steady trend until the end of Nov 21st of 2022.
    • The cumulative count of volume and number of swaps are rising for all the trends during the all time and the most noticeable jump happens on Apr 17th for USDT and FUDT but for FLOW the jump is on May 12th.
    • Swapper count of tokens on FLOW DEX over time tell us the situation of market from November of last year until now .
    • On Nov 7th, 2022(event of FTX collapse) we can see a very small rise of swapper count but the overall situation doesn’t look very good compared to the peeks of the graph.
    • The number of new and total swappers reach its highest point on Sep 27th, 2021 which we can witness 5176 new users and 23.8k total swappers on the same day.
    • In the rest of the graphs we can see the swap volume of FLOW DEX in the passed 1 year from minimum to maximum amount.
    • On this line we take a look at the average amount of swap volume in the second row first graph, and we can see the highest peek of average amount of volumes happened on Nov 30th, 2021.
    • Even on median and maximum amount of volume, we can see the spikes on the Nov 30th of 2021.
    • In the column forms bellow we can see the total number and volume of transfers in the first row of graphs.
    • Here we see the FLOW having the first spot in both graphs by owning 47.9M transfers and 42.7B worth of volume ($USD).
    • After the first spot we have FUSD and BLT in second and third spots in the two graphs in first row.
    • We are not gonna mention FLOW on the second row any more because clearly its the first spot instead for the senders and receivers we have USDT and FUSD on the second and third place in order on both graphs in the second row.
    • In the average, median and maximum amount of volume we can see that overall the BLT has done a better job than the others but in maximum amount we have FLOW and in median we have USDT in the first spots.
    • The average doesn’t favor the FLOW at all and here we can see the maximum amounts of volume is what brings FLOW to the top in total transfer volume.
    • The daily number of total transfers and volume are almost about FLOW and the remaining amount are completely incomparable along side FLOW as you can see.
    • In the previous articles on this workspace we talked about the users who escaped FTX during the collapse and here we can see the transfer numbers go up on Nov 7th, 2022 compared to its previous 2 days.
    • Even though the cumulative amount of transfers and volumes are clearly rising in all platforms down bellow but in the passed 1 year we can see over 90% of the transfers and volumes among the mentioned parameters belong to FLOW.
    • Same as the last paragraph we can, with a simple look at the graphs under this text box, see that almost all of the senders and receivers belong to FLOW.
    • But the daily minimum to median and average volume show us that despite the low sender and receiver on all the parameters except FLOW, they have a fare share of volume daily in the studied time span.
    • In the maximum volume however we can see FLOW on Feb 3rd , 2022 almost reaches 150M worth of volume.
    • As we said earlier the FLOW platform is much more successful in the high volumes compared to minimum amounts and thats how it keeps up the total amount of its volume up.
    • In the total number of bridges broke down by tokens, what is visible is that the majority of bridges and bridgers belong to USDT and BLT.
    • Also the volume of bridges most of them belong to the 2 mentioned platforms.
    • Even though FLOW total volume bridge is not much but in the average graph we can see it has the highest average amount of bridge volume (22k).
    • In median volume, minimum and maximum also we have FLOW, SPRT and STARLY in the first spots in order.
    • Number of bridges by blockchain on Ethereum first spot belong to USDC.
    • The same thing said in the first line can be also said about volume of bridges and number of bridgers by blockchain and tokens.
    • In all three images we can see that FLOW has the lowest stats compared to other tokens.
    • Even on the FLOW blockchain RLY is the only token on the bridges.
    • The daily total number of bridges on the left give us exact info amount the amount of bridge of each platform on each day since November of 2021 till now.
    • For a better study of each parameter or a side by side comparison of each you can turn on and off different elements by clicking on them in the legend.
    • Also the average volume of bridges show us that the highest peeks on Nov 15th, Oct 3rd and Aug 18th and July 18th belong to USDC, FLOW, RLY and STARLY in order.
    • Now that we saw the total number of bridges and volumes for each platform, here we have the information broke down into daily values.
    • In the daily number and volume we can see BLT have the highest numbers on Jan 18th.
    • As we draw closer to the end specially on Nov 2022 we see that USDT own descent number of bridges but very high amount of volume, for example on Oct 28th and Nov 10th.
    • The cumulative number and volume of bridges in the final row show us that on Aug 7th the RLY trend rise above a massive number of other platforms and gain the 3rd spot on number and the 4rth spot on the volume trends.


    • The main point of this article is to take a look at FLOW tokens and block chain and compare it to the other tokens and block chains with consideration of the bridges and bridgers made by this token
    • At first we see that not only FLOW but all the other tokens are dropping in price compared to their states in the last passed 1 year, on the FLOW blockchain the FLOW token itself has the highest price among all the other tokens by the end of the time span on the graph.
    • We saw that the number of swaps and swappers by tokens on FLOW DEX, the FLOW takes the number 2 spot on every graph but average of volume of swaps wise we see that FLOW token takes the first spot instead of USDT( in all other graphs by token in the second section USDT has the highest stats).
    • By the end of Nov 21 FLOW and USDT tokens conclude the most number of swaps and volume compared to other tokens on FLOW DEX.
    • At the end we see even though FLOW token has the most number of transfers, senders and receivers on the FLOW DEX but the number of bridges created by this token are pretty low compared to the other tokens and even on other blockchains FLOW token has the least number of bridges, bridge volumes and bridgers.
    • The only thing that stands out in the final part of the article which concludes the bridges is that despite the low number of FLOW token bridges, the highest average volume of bridges by this token is in the first spot of average volumes column (also in the median volume of bridges graph).
    • This means the transfers and swaps that happens with the FLOW token on the FLOW DEX are low in numbers but have some of the highest values in terms of volume. (specially in the bridges section).

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    What is Flow?

    Flow is a fast, decentralized, and developer-friendly blockchain, designed as the foundation for a new generation of games, apps, and the digital assets that power them. Flow is the only layer-one blockchain originally created by a team that has consistently delivered great consumer blockchain experiences: CryptoKitties, Dapper Wallet, NBA Top Shot.

    FLOW token

    The FLOW token (“FLOW”) is the native currency for the Flow network and the keystone for a new, inclusive, and borderless digital economy. If Flow is the digital infrastructure, FLOW token is the fuel that powers the network. FLOW is the currency required for the network and all the applications on top of it to function. FLOW is designed as a payment method as well as a long-term reserve asset for the entire Flow economy. The token is used by validators, developers, and users to participate in the FLOW network and earn rewards. It is also used for fees and to participate in future protocol governance.

    The Flow ecosystem

    Flow is a blockchain designed from the ground up for mainstream adoption and is the only blockchain that builds usability improvements into the protocol layer. Top developers and some of the world's largest brands are already building on Flow, enabling completely new experiences with top-tier content.

    Flow has a rich ecosystem comprised of top entertainment brands, development studios, and venture-backed startups. Flow ecosystem partners include global IP brands like Warner Music, Ubisoft, NBA and UFC; leading game developers, including Animoca Brands, Sumo Digital and nWay; leaders in crypto, such as Circle and Binance; as well as several noteworthy projects among the next generation of high-growth startups, including Opensea.


    • In this dashboard, it displays the information of all flow network tokens from one year ago until today.

    • To make this dashboard, the help of two dear friends, saber_jl and alik110, has been taken from the codes.

    • In this dashboard, USDT, USDC, FLOW, FUSD, BLT , SPRT , STARLY tokens They have been analyzed.

    • Tables (flow.core.fact_transactions) and (flow.core.fact_prices) and (flow.core.ez_swaps) and (flow.core.ez_bridge_transactions) and (flow.core.ez_token_transfers) have been used to make this dashboard and analyses.
