General information

    • Here we have the first section with some general info about the DOT/OSMO pool and we can see that the following boxes were last updated on Dec 13th of 2022.
    • The total number of Lpers on DOT is 1578 who made 10.23k number of join actions as you can see and the pool exited number of users, based on the percentage wheels info bellow, is 638 exiters with 738 number of exit actions.
    • The total volume made by Lp join action till Dec 13th of 2022 is 1.59M worth of USD volume.
    • The volume of joined actions and the number of join actions were mentioned in the previous section, now here we have the total volume of exit actions which is 514.38k made by total number of 738 exits. This amount of volume for exit actions is considerably high because The number of exit actions is barely equal to 1/13 of the join actions and yet we can see the volume of exit actions is almost 1/3 of the total join actions volume.
    • In the pool joined actions distributed by the volume of the actions we can see over 63% of the actions have Less than $10 worth of volume and the least segment which concludes only over 2% of the total number of actions has more than $1k worth of volume.
    • The pool exits biggest portion however is 41.4% of the total number of exits with $10-$100 worth of volume and the smallest portion is around 6.8% of the total number of actions with the most amount of volume (more than $1k).
    • Here we have the over time daily number of LP actions, active Lpers and the volume of their actions since July of 2022 till now Dec 13th of 2022.
    • As you can see the number of actions and active Lpers were at their highest peek from the beginning of August and they start to fall moving forward until they reach their lowest amounts at the end of the column forms.
    • On Dec 13th of 2022 we witnessed 4 pool joins and 1 pool exit which were made by total number of 5 Lpers, 4 joiners and 1 exiter, The volume of these actions in order of mentioned is 2091 and 73.8 USD as you can see.
    • By the end of Dec 13th of 2022 the cumulative number of actions and volume reach their highest which are, 10.227k joins and 783 exits with volume of 1.59M and 514.3k of USD.

    Daily information

    • Same information as the last two sections is shown here but in a more compact form and on a monthly basis.
    • On the august of 2022 we had 4265 join actions made by 952 joiners and 216 exit actions made by 188 exiters and the volume of these actions during the mentioned month of the current year is about:
    • 824.9k USD worth of volume for joins and joiners.
    • And 104.6k USD worth of volume for exits and exiters.
    • After the daily info from the last section, the weekly information of the LP actions with their volumes are shown here in these three graphs.
    • As I said earlier the peek of activity for this pool belonged to the starting of august of 2022 and all the charts been falling to their lowest ever since.
    • In the last column form we have the volume of Lp actions and The hieghst volume goes to Aug 15th with 246.9k join volume and 37.7k exit volume.

    Weekly information

    Monthly information


    Arbitrageurs information

    • Here we have the final part of the article which is about the number of judges of this pool, as you can see on the left we have total number of 2 Arbitrageurs in DOT/OSMO pool.
    • The actions of Arbitrageurs and normal users are divided into two different columns, and we can see the number of the actions, the average time between their actions and their volumes in the three remaining blocks bellow.


    Osmosis is an automated market maker (AMM) protocol built for liquidity providers. Therefore, it should be governed and owned by liquidity providers. Over time, the largest allocation of OSMO tokens is set aside for liquidity incentives to reward liquidity providers for their contributions and give them an ownership stake in the future of the protocol.

    The process for earning these liquidity incentives is known as liquidity mining. While many within the Cosmos ecosystem are familiar with concepts like staking rewards and community pools, Osmosis is the first Cosmos project to introduce liquidity incentives.

    Osmosis aims to be the most innovative AMM across all ecosystems. Osmosis has many planned features in development to improve LP incentives beyond what current AMMs have been able to accomplish.

    In this post, we will cover the process of how liquidity incentives are chosen, earned, and distributed on Osmosis.


    Polkadot is a software that seeks to incentivize a global network of computers to operate a blockchain on top of which users can launch and operate their own blockchains.

    In this way, Polkadot is one of a number of competing blockchains aiming to grow an ecosystem of cryptocurrencies, other notable examples of which include Ethereum (ETH), Cosmos (ATOM) and EOSIO (EOS). 

    However, Polkadot, launched in 2020, is among the newest, and it introduces a number of novel technical features toward its ambitious goal. 

    To begin, Polkadot is designed to operate two types of blockchains. A main network, called a relay chain, where transactions are permanent, and user-created networks, called parachains.

    Parachains can be customized for any number of uses and feed into the main blockchain, so that parachain transactions benefit from the same security of the main chain. 



    • Another known liquidity pool of the OSMOSIS market is called DOT/OSMO as you can see in the heading of the article, and here I tried to cover up the basic yet compact information about the number of Liquidity providers in this pool and their total number of actions alongside their volumes.
    • In the first section as you can see we have the total number of Active Providers 1578 joiners who made 10.227k number of join actions worth of 1.593M USD volume and on the other hand we have 638 exiters who made 783 exit moves with the approximately 1/3 of the total volume of join actions (almost 514k USD).
    • In the following three sections, after the first one, we can see the daily, weekly and monthly actions, actors and volume in column form since July of 2022 till now.
    • Here we can see the highest peek of activities started from August and followed a downward trend moving forward in the graphs and they all reached their minimum by the end of Dec 13th of 2022.
    • Finally the number of Arbitrageurs and the difference between their actions with normal users are shown in the final three images of the dashboard, in the first one wee see the total number of Judges actions is bellow 1% of the total number of normal users actions.




    Like most assets in the last two years, DOT saw a meteoric rise in 2021 followed by a crater in 2022. However, DOT there still remains a little bit of DOT liquidity and volume flowing through Osmosis. Is the trading activity of DOT on Osmosis real user activity, or is this just arbitrageurs? How many users are active in Pool 773 every day, week, month?


    Liquidity Providing

    Providing liquidity (called “LPing”) is the process of depositing assets into an AMM pool. AMMs are decentralized finance protocols that allow for the swapping of assets without a centralized intermediary. Just as trading firms make traditional markets, AMMs establish prices and facilitate trades using permissionless liquidity pools into which users can deposit assets.

    For example, if Pool #1 is the OSMO<>ATOM pool, users can deposit OSMO and ATOM tokens into the pool and receive back Pool1 share tokens. These Pool1 share tokens (called LP tokens) represent one’s proportional ownership of the pool.

    Liquidity pools have specific ratios at which assets must be deposited. Most AMMs require that assets be added at a 50–50 ratio (the total value of Asset 1 is equal to the total value of Asset 2). Similar to Balancer protocol, Osmosis allows for pools with customized weights (allowing the total value of one asset in the pool to be higher than the other) and even liquidity pools with more than two assets.

    Users pay a fee to buy and sell from these liquidity pools. These transaction fees are added to pool assets, essentially resulting in a pro-rata distribution to LP share holders. (Since one’s proportional ownership of the pool remains constant, as the total amount of liquidity in these pools increases due to fees, one’s total contributions also increase.)

    Liquidity provision is not without costs. LPs take on a risk known as impermanent loss. It essentially means that users would have earned more simply by holding the assets than depositing them into liquidity pools. When the price of the assets in the pool change at different rates, LPs end up owning larger amounts of the asset that increased less in price (or decreased more in price). For example, if the price of OSMO moons relative to ATOM, LPs in the OSMO-ATOM pool end up with larger portions of the less valuable asset (ATOM).


    The following categories are used in this dashboard:

    • amount*usdprice/pow(10,decimal) &lt; 10 then 'Less Than $10'
    • amount*usdprice/pow(10,decimal) &gt;= 10 and amount*usdprice/pow(10,decimal) &lt;= 100 then '$10 - $100'
    • amount*usdprice/pow(10,decimal) &gt;= 100 and amount*usdprice/pow(10,decimal) &lt;= 1000 then '$100 - $1000'
    • amount*usdprice/pow(10,decimal) &gt; 1000 then 'More Than $1000'

    The information of this dashboard is from July 23, 2022 until today.

    This dashboard includes the following parts:

    • General information
    • Daily information
    • Weekly information
    • Monthly information
    • Arbitrageurs information