Ethereum Blockchain Challenge!


    In the first section of this dashboard, as the title is suggesting, we have general information about the most common questions about Ethereum. During the last month according to the daily number of transactions column graph, the number of transactions oscillated around 1M and on Mar 13th we witnessed the peak of activity during past month which was about 1.174M transactions. Despite the number of transactions being close to each other on different days, the volumes are much more variant, On Mar 11th of 2023 we noticed over 4M volume on the mentioned date's transactions, the least amount of transactions during the past month was 570k on Mar 5th. The daily average fee of the past month reached its peak on Mar 11th, around 0.011002. looking at the TPS (transactions per second) you can see the numbers are close to each other like the daily total number of transactions. On Mar 13th we had the highest TPS which was 13.5. The average transaction fee on Ethereum network during the past month was less than the hystorical averages, the last month average was lower about 0.0006.

    Dapp info

    Currently we have 671 decentralized applications on Ethereum blockchian and based on the information we gathered on Mar 24th of 2023 the top spot of the top 10 of these applications belong to Augur. Mev Bot and Weth come in the second and third spot respectively.

    Balance info

    The number one ETH holder has about 17.8M balance as you can see in the first graph above this text box. the difference between the first and second spot holders is about 14M balance and comparaing the two top spots to the other holders they dont come any close at all. According to the monthly cumulative balance changes of the top 100 addresses you can see the first holder going from less than 5M to more than 17M almost nonstop. Looking at the bottom left column graph the January of 2023 had the least balance of users change of all time and during the entire time period most of the changes applied concludes users with less than 10 USD balance. The users are distributed into different categories with defferent balances in the final column graph as you can see the highest number of users are in 10 to 200 USD column.


    As we mentioned in the question of this dashboard, the main purpose of this analys is to provide lateset general information about the most common question of new users about Ethereum block chain. The average fee of the last month was 0.003375 which is almost 0.0006 less than the hystorical average and the average fee on Mar 23rd was 0.002589. There are currently 671 active DeApps working on this block chain and the top three spots of the top ten apps are Augur, Mev bot and Weth respectively according to the column graph of the second section. The top ETH holder currently has a balance of 17.8M and he started at less than 5M 2 years ago and reached this state now, you can take a look at the cumulative form of the final sections to see the balance changes of the top holders during the last two years. The past month of 2023 had the least balance changes of the users as you can see in the final column graph above this section, the most changes was always among users with less than 10 USD and the least changes was among users with higher balances like more than 20k USD.


    About me:



    As a data analyst, you may be tasked with analyzing data related to the Ethereum blockchain. However, as a complex and rapidly evolving blockchain, analyzing Ethereum may be challenging for those who are new to the field. To help you get started, here are three analytical questions related to Ethereum that you should be able to answer with the right tools and techniques:

    What is the average transaction fee on the Ethereum network over the past month, and how does this compare to historical averages?

    How many active decentralized applications (DApps) are currently running on the Ethereum network, and what are the most popular categories of DApps?

    What is the distribution of ETH holdings among the top 100 Ethereum addresses, and how has this changed over the past 2 years?

    Want to dive deeper and explore beyond these questions? Go for it! We encourage you to go beyond what we’ve asked and to include further analyses and insights in your submission.


    • To find general Ethereum information from the columns TX_FEE and TX_HASH and ETH_VALUE and BLOCK_TIMESTAMP which are used in the ethereum.core.fact_transactions table.

    • To find information about Dapps, two tables ethereum.core.dim_labels and ethereum.core.fact_transactions are used, which can be found by filtering the word dapp in the LABEL_TYPE column.

    • To find information about user balance, ethereum.core.ez_balance_deltas table is used, which can find user ETH balance by filtering ETH in the SYMBOL column and Native Ether in the TOKEN_NAME column.

    What is Ethereum?

    Ethereum is a decentralized blockchain-based software that has smart contract functionality. Ethereum is open source and used primarily to support the second-largest cryptocurrency in the world known as Ether.  Ethereum enables the smart contracts and applications built on its blockchain to run smoothly without fraud, downtime, control, or any third-party interference. Ethereum is also a programming language that helps developers to create distributed applications. One of the major projects with Ethereum is Microsoft’s partnership with ConsenSys offering Ethereum Blockchain as a Service on Microsoft Azure to enable developers and enterprise clients to have a single click blockchain developer environment that is cloud-based. Ethereum split into two different blockchains in 2016 namely Ethereum, and Ethereum Classic. This was due to a hack earlier that year in which the hacker made away with $50 million Ether.  The hacker took advantage of a third-party project flaw and exploited a DOA (a smart contract set originating from the Ethereum platform). read more:
