Hacks, Scandals and Scams - 4. CEL token flows.

    Celsius Network listed a $1.19 billion deficit on its balance sheet in a bankruptcy court filing a day after the cryptocurrency lender filed for Chapter 11. Currently Celsius owns a large portion of the CEL tokens. What are the top addresses swapping and transferring CEL? How have the CEL swap volumes changed over the past 90 days? How are Celsius wallets interacting with the CEL token?

    Posted on July 29, 2022

    Top Addresses Transferring

    In the 4 charts below, the numerical value and percentage of the top addresses in terms of the number of Transfers and the volume of Transfers are displayed.

    To get these charts, we have used the sum of the amount column and transaction count and CEL filtering in the symbol column in the ethereum.core.ez_token_transfers table.


    Top Addresses Swapping

    In the 4 charts below, the numerical value and percentage of the top addresses in terms of the number of swaps and the volume of swaps are displayed.

    To get these charts, we have used the sum of the amount_in and amount_out columns, counting transactions and CEL filtering in the symbol_out and symbol_in columns in the ethereum.core.ez_dex_swaps table.


    The volume of the last 90 days

    The volume of CEL token swaps has been displayed on a daily basis for the past 90 days in the two charts below, in both linear and logarithmic modes. As you can see, in the middle of June, especially on June 13, the volume of these swaps was very high.

    To get these charts, the daily count of the number of tx_hashes in the ethereum.core.ez_dex_swaps table and CEL filtering in the symbol_out and symbol_in columns have been used.

    The Number Txn of the last 90 days

    The number of CEL token swaps has been displayed on a daily basis for the past 90 days in the chart below.

    As you can see, the number of these swaps has increased since the middle of June until now.

    To get this chart, the daily sum of amounts in the ethereum.core.ez_dex_swaps table and CEL filtering in the symbol_out and symbol_in columns were used.

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    CEL Token Transfers by Wallets

    In the two charts below, the volume and number of transfers made by the addresses in the list are displayed on a daily basis.

    As you can see, the volume and number of these transfers have decreased a lot after 13 May, reaching almost zero.

    To get these charts, the sum of amounts and tx_hash counting and filtering of the addresses in the list and CEL in the symbol column in the ethereum.core.ez_token_transfers table were used.
