Liquidity Providers Stats

    Q109. Liquidity providers stats 1. Evaluate the distribution of various target segments who provide liquidity (LP) 2. Evaluate the profitability of an LP Provider & Yield Farmer


    SushiSwap pools ( allow liquidity providers to add their tokens to liquidity pools. When they do so they will receive SLP tokens (Sushiswap Liquidity Provider tokens) for example if a user deposited $SUSHI and $ETH into a pool they would receive SUSHI-ETH SLP tokens. These tokens represent a proportional share of the pooled assets, allowing a user to reclaim their funds at any point.


    Some Pool Information

    The numbers below provide information including the Total Number Of Unique LP Providers and the Ratio Between Yield Farmers vs. Displays LP Providers, Total Number Of Farmers, Average Number Of LP Positions Opened By Each Wallet, Total Pool In Sushi, and Total User LP In Sushi as of September 1, 2021 to date.


    To obtain the following charts and information, the tables (ethereum.core.fact_event_logs) and (ethereum.events_emitted) and (ethereum.core.ez_token_transfers) and (ethereum.core.dim_labels) and (ethereum.core.dim_dex_liquidity_pools) were used.

    The contract (0xd9e1ce17f2641f24ae83637ab66a2cca9c378b9f) is used as the Sushiswap Router address contract.

    This dashboard will give you

    • What’s the total no. of unique LP providers?
    • What’s the ratio between Yield farmers vs. LP Providers?
    • What’s the average no. of LP positions opened by each unique wallet address
    • What’s the ratio of liquidity (Based on TVL) owned by the Protocol vs. Retail LP in both LP Pool and yield farms
    • The percentage (%) increase/decrease of LP Providers in Sushi over the last 1 year
    • Evaluate if there’s a correlation between profitability vs. length of time?
    • Evaluate if there is a correlation between profit vs. time of withdrawal
    • Correlation between profitability vs type of pool? EX: stable pool

    Some codes are copied from these two dashboards.


    As you can see in the charts above, some parameters have been decreasing since the end of 2021, which indicates the decline in popularity of pools, which can have several reasons, one of which is the drop in the price of Bitcoin and the decrease in liquidity in the market. .

    According to the Length of time Vs Profitability and Date Remove Vs Profitability charts, you can see that LP providers and Yield Farmers have acted almost opposite in these two parameters. According to the Ratio of Liquidity In Protocol vs Retail LP charts, we realize that more liquidity is in the hands of Retail LPs.

    Pool vs Profitability

    In the charts below, we have displayed 10 liquidity pools that have created the most profitability.

    As you can see, wbtc-weth slp, link-weth slp, and dai-weth slp pools are respectively the top 3 pools in terms of profitability from September 1, 2021 to today.

    Date Remove Vs Profitability - LP Provider And Yield Farmer

    In the charts below, we have shown Date Remove Vs Profitability related to LP Provider and Yield Farmer. As you can see, LP Providers have received good profits in some weeks from the beginning of May until today, and before that there were big losses in some weeks, and in Yield Farmer from the beginning of June until today. In some weeks, there have been big losses, but before June, in some weeks, relatively good profits have been received.

    Length of time Vs Profitability - LP Provider And Yield Farmer

    In the following charts, we have shown Length of time Vs Profitability related to LP Provider and Yield Farmer. As you can see, in LP Providers, we have had the most profit in the period of 6 months to one year, and in the period of one to three months, we have had the most loss, and in Yield Farmers, in the period of 3 months to 6 months, the most We have had the profit and in the period of 6 months to a year we have had the biggest loss.

    Percentage Increase/Decrease Of LP Providers In Sushi In Past Year

    In the chart below, we have shown the Percentage Increase/Decrease Of LP Providers In Sushi In Past Year.

    Ratio of Liquidity In Protocol vs. Retail LP in Yield Farms and LP Pool

    In the donut charts below, we have shown the Ratio of Liquidity In Protocol vs Retail LP in Yield Farms and LP Pool. As you can see, in both Yield Farms and LP Pool, most of the Liquidity is related to Retail LPs, which is about 98% in LP Pools and about 99.8% in Yield Farms is related to Retail LP.

    And only a very small percentage is related to protocols.

    Some daily information about Pools

    In the following charts, we have displayed Number Of LP Providers In Sushi In Past Year, Number Of Daily Sushi Pool Users, and Number Of Daily Pool Creation In Sushi. As you can see, from the end of 2021 until today, the trend of the number of LP Providers and daily users has been decreasing, and it can be said that hype pools have decreased in this regard.