NEAR Performance

    How does NEAR stock up to other L1s in terms of speed and performance? How fast is NEAR, and compare it with other blockchain speeds in terms of transactions per minute and percentage of transactions that fail.

    Posted on July 19, 2022

    This dashboard will give you

    • It shows the number of transactions in Near, Polygon ,Ethereum, Solana networks

    • It shows the percentage of failed transactions in Near, Polygon , Ethereum, Solana networks


    Number of transactions per minute

    In the chart below, we have obtained the number of transactions per minute on the Near, Polygon , Ethereum, and Solana networks in different weeks.

    As you can see, the number of transactions in the Solana network is much higher than the other Three networks. and the number of transactions per minute of the Near network has been decreasing since the beginning of May

    In the chart below, to get the number of transactions per minute, we have divided the number of transactions in a week by 10080.


    Transaction failure percentage

    In the chart below, we have checked the percentage of failed transactions in the Near, Polygon , Ethereum, and Solana networks on different days of 2022. As you can see, a high percentage of Solana transactions were unsuccessful.

    As you can see, since the end of March, the percentage of failed transactions has increased in all three networks.

    my contacts:

    • Telegram : @delk00
    • discord : hojjat7878#8809
    • twitter : @hojjat8d


    With the sharp drop in the price of Bitcoin and the withdrawal of liquidity from the market, we have seen a decrease in the number of transactions per minute in almost all the investigated networks except Solana.

    Also, this incident has reduced the percentage of failed transactions in all 4 investigated networks