NFTs in 2022
- In year 2022 we can see that the mints leave behind the second sales column with a lot of difference despite their relatively equal situation in the beginning of year 2021(based on numbers).
- The same cant be said about the volume charts as you can see based on volume the secondary sales are much more than mints, not to mention that volume wise mints and secondary sales were almost equal in the January of 2021.
- In 2022, as shown in the column form bellow the number of transactions of sales and mints are in order 19.3M and 28.5M, the other aspects of mints also top the sales numbers.
- We see that the numbers are in favor of mints but again volume wise the secondary sales are much higher than mints with total volume of 52.8B.
- The ratio of minted to sold tokens is slightly over 30% as of January 4th of 2022 and the ratio of minted to sold projects is about 25.1% as you can see in the boxes on the left and right.
- The monthly number of secondary sales and mints over time shows that during December of 2022 we had 2.32M mints and 1.23M sales.
- The same situation can be said about the minted and sold projects during final month of 2022 and you can see that the number of minted are much higher than sold projects throughout the year after April and not just the final month.
- The final two graphs bellow show us the monthly number of active minters and purchasers along side the volume of mints and sales, the number of minters similar to the previous column forms is more than the purchasers but in the volume of mints and secondary sales we can see The volume of sales has been more than mints throughout the whole year Except for Jun and November.
Information about superiors
- In the top ten NFT projects with the most total mint volume of 2022 we can easily see that Uniswap V3 has the highest amount of volume to an extent that the other projects are not even comparable.
- The same thing can be said about the largest mint volume in a single transaction and here still Uniswap V3 has the highest charts.
- In the most average mint volume however we can see that Curve SynthSwap stand out with average volume of 2.38M. Also in the median mint volume this project stands at the top spot with 916.5K worth of volume.
- In the most total sale volume of 2022 we can see that Terraforms and Meebits take the first two spot with a huge distance between them selves and other spots.
- In the final row left side column graph we have the top ten tokens with largest mint volume (single transactions) and the highest volume is 73.85M.
- Now that we studied the mint superiors we have the sales information in the following graphs and as you can see the highest sale volume in single transaction goes to Meebits with more than 50M worth of volume.
- The most average volume sale also belongs to Fantasy Islands with 6.5M volume and the others are so less and incomparable.
- In the Median volume era we have Invisible Friends Specials with 1.3M volume standing in the first spot .
- In the top ten tokens with the largest sale volume (single) we can see that the competition is pretty close for all the top tokens and not a single one is bellow 45M and only one token surpasses 50M slightly.
- %Wise gained value we can see that More Loot and Gates of Oxya stand in the first two spots but USD wise the Dreadfulz take the first spot and moves More Loot to the second spot.
- The top ten projects with the most % lost value in 2022 as you can see are all on -100% and USD wise Terraforms has lost the most value worth of -243.13K.
- The average holding time between the top ten NFT’s is pretty similar to each other and all of them except one that surpasses 350, are between 320 and 350.
- In 2022 the most number of sold tokens went to ENS project with more than 218k sold tokens.
- In the final row we have the NFT projects with the highest and lowest Sold/Minted ratio and we can see that CCPS stands in the top based on the highest ratio’s and in the lowest ratio’s we have Phantom network in the first spot.
Information about distributions
- The highest distribution of NFT sales goes to Less than $100-$1000 with more than 8M number of NFT sales and they conclude 42.2% of the total volume of sales as you can see.
- In the second spot comes the least value one with less than $100 and they make 41.3% of the total volume of NFT’s sold in 2022.
- In the total sales volume distribution also we have the $100-$1000 in the first place with owning 26.9% of the total volume of sales in 2022.
- The value change of NFT’s in year 2022 is so much higher than those NFT’s without change and in the center of these changes we have the decrease in the values with 52.6% of the changes.
- In the detailed version of value changes of NFT’s we can see 75%-100% value loss in the highest spot with 2007 in numbers and they conclude 23.4% of the total number of changed value NFT’s.
- In the first section we had the general and monthly information and we saw that in year 2022 the number of mints were much higher than sales but volume wise the sales best mints in an extreme way.
- From April of 2022 moving forward the number of mints began to overcome secondary sales but throughout the whole year the volume of sales were always more than mints Except for Jun and November.
- Based on number of trades Opensea is the first marketplace with the most number of sales and 91% of the total number of sales but in volume aspect we can see that Looksrare is more than Opensea by owning 52% of the total trade volume between named marketpalces.
- The highest total mint volume of 2022 goes to NFT project named Uniswap V3 and the highest sales volume belongs to Terraform.
- %Wise the most value gained NFT projects of 2022 are More Loot and Gates of Oxya but USD wise Dreadfulz take the first spot as you can see in the sections above.
- All the NFT projects named in the second to last section lost their value completely in 2022 % wise and as you can see they are all -100% but USD wise we have Terraform in the center of them with the most lost value.
- In the final section we have the distribution of NFT projects based on their change in value and we can see the -75% to -100% are at the top with the most number of NFT’s.
As you can see based on the summary of this article the NFT market is in a pretty bad shape right now and during the whole year of 2022 we witnessed the down fall of the value in NFT’s and we see that the volume of sales were extremely higher than the mints not to mention we are talking about comparison here and the total volume of sales and mints in the final months of 2022 were not even that much.
It is very hard to say that if the situation is going to change or not(which one can hardly be so optimistic) but certainly it will take time for the NFT’s market to get back to its former self if its going to go back at all.
Author: Hojjat
Discord: hojjat7878#8809
Twitter: @hojjat8d
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- In the 8 different market places bellow we can see that the Tx count column is more than others while project count is always less than the tokens and users count, only in NFTX and Larva Labs the tokens are more than users but the other marketplaces have the opposite situation.
- Between the marketplaces the Looksrare has the highest total volume with 27.49B worth of volume while the lowest is Rarible with only 29.3M worth of volume.
- Percentage wise, Opensea owns 91% of the total number of trades between all the named markets with 17.8M number of trades.
- But if we take a look at the volume of trades we can see that Looksrare tops Opensea with owning 52% of the total volume of trades.
NFT meaning and definition
NFT stands for ‘non-fungible token’. Non-fungible means that something is unique and can’t be replaced. By contrast, physical money and cryptocurrencies are fungible, which means they can be traded or exchanged for one another. Every NFT contains a digital signature which makes each one unique. NFTs are digital assets and could be photos, videos, audio files, or another digital format. NFT examples include artwork, comic books, sports collectibles, trading cards, games and more.
How do NFTs work?
Non-fungible tokens or NTFs are cryptographic assets which sit on a blockchain – that is, a distributed public ledger that records transactions. Each NFT contains unique identification codes that distinguish them from each other. This data makes it easy to transfer tokens between owners and to verify ownership.
NFTs hold a value which is set by the market – i.e., supply and demand – and they can be bought and sold in the same way that physical assets can. NFTs are digital representations of assets – and can also represent real-world items such as artwork and real estate. Tokenizing real-world tangible assets in this way is considered by some users to make buying, selling and trading them more efficient, as well as potentially reducing the likelihood of fraud.
What is an NFT marketplace?
The NFT landscape is evolving, but typically, most NFT marketplaces fall into one of these three categories:
Open marketplace – Anyone can sell, buy or mint NFTs. Minting refers to the process of uniquely publishing your token on the blockchain to make it buyable. Open marketplaces typically mint NFTs for you, though creators can also mint their own works.
Closed marketplace –Artists must apply to join and the marketplace usually undertakes the minting processes. Selling and trading are more restricted.
Proprietary marketplace – A marketplace which sells NFTs trademarked or copyrighted by the company operating it.
Some NFT traders create accounts on and subscribe to a variety of marketplaces so they can receive announcements about new NFT drops. Information about new NFTs is also shared on platforms such as Discord and Twitter, as well as more specialized investing platforms like Rarity Sniper and Rarity Tools. When highly anticipated NFTs are released, investors tend to act quickly.
Most marketplaces offer step-by-step guides which help users understand how to use them. Once you have created a marketplace account, you should connect your wallet to the marketplace. Some marketplaces allow you to set up a new wallet from within the website, or they use their own proprietary wallet. Using a marketplace’s proprietary wallet might come with discounts or a reduction in the additional fees incurred by using external wallets.
A retrospective on the NFT market in 2022.
- NFT project with the highest volume of trades in 2022?
- Which NFT project had the largest mint by dollar?
- Which NFT project decreased the most in value this year?
- Which NFT project gained the most value this year?
- What was the price of the highest-selling individual NFT?
- Which NFTs had the longest hold time this year?
- Which NFT project had the least amount of NFTs listed for sale on an exchange?
- Which project had the most NFTs listed for sale on an exchange?