$OP Airdrop (Redux)


    Earlier this year, Optimism offered an airdrop to users. Let’s examine the airdrop after a few months. \n

    How many users claimed optimism airdrop? How much of total airdrop was claimed? How many wallets are still holding tokens from airdrop? How much of users delegated their OPs?  \n

    Feel free to provide any information that you think is related to token price. 


    On May 31st, Optimism introduced its OP token. According to the official Optimism documentation, 214,748,364.80 OP tokens were "airdropped" to a total of 248,699 addresses. That's only 5% of the 4.29 billion total supply, therefore 95% has yet to enter the market.

    The distributer address was used to select airdrop data from the fact token transfers table in Optimism's core database with

    contract_address = '0x4200000000000000000000000000000000000042' filtr, as OP token contract.

    so, eligible addresses who reported their OP airdrop were selected to examine holding behavior. Next, delivered and received OP tokens, including the airdrop, were calculated. Then, their holdings were calculated by subtracting sent from received. Finally, these addresses were categorized by holdings. If the address's holdings were more than the airdropped amount, it held its OP and added extra tokens. Fact delegations and fact event logs tables were utilized for delegation. Those who modified their delegation status could use the allocated amount. This investigation measured and presented data that excluded most delegators.

    What is Optimism?

    The foremost priority before you start learning about Optimism would refer to an overview of its definition. It is a layer 2 blockchain network developed over a layer 1 blockchain, such as Ethereum, without working independently. Layer 2 technologies have become one of the prolific and crucial areas of interest in the domain of cryptocurrencies and blockchain. The attention to the Optimism Layer 2 protocol is valid on the grounds of assurance for scalability and efficiency improvements. Network congestion can generally lead to higher transaction fees as well as longer confirmation times, thereby creating problems for developers. 

    Layer 2 technology focuses on resolving these issues through the reduction of fees and waiting times. Optimism is one of the earliest examples of Layer 2 protocols, based on the concept of optimistic rollups. As the name indicates, a roll-up could transfer a huge chunk of data and processing tasks from the mainnet or base chain, such as Ethereum. 

    As it facilitates the transfer of the transaction processing load to another chain, the main chain would be free from congestion. The Layer 2 blockchain network processes transactions and maintains a condensed form of its state on the Ethereum chain. As a result, Layer 2 technologies can ensure effortless security of transaction data without network congestion or unreasonably high transaction fees. 

    • On the left side graph we can study the top ten destinations by claimer count.
    • For a better understanding of the situation you can always turn on and off different parameters by clicking on them in the legend.
    • In the first row of images we can see three wheels that contain info about Claimer and Unclaimer, claimed and un unclaimed tokens and the number of wallets that still hold tokens from airdrop.
    • As you can see 60% of users are claimers and over 74% of total tokens have been claimed, and approximately 17.5% of total wallets still hold part of their $OP.
    • On the left in second row we can see each delegator and their share of dropped tokens, which in the first place we have 43.5% of all dropped token by other delegators. Pass the first spot the biggest known delegator is Lindajxie.eth with 13.1% of total airdrtopped share.
    • Total number and distribution of delegators can be seen in the middle wheel on this part, after the first spot Lindajxie.eth is still the biggest known delegator.
    • As the total distribution of delegators among users we can see in the right side on second row, that 61.1% of total users delegated their OPs.

    Total # of eligible users and Airdrop tokens are shown on both sides these numbers were last updated on Nov 15th and they will change daily. Be mindful of that.

    • On the two sides of this text box we have two side by side comparisons of OP average price vs. BTC and ETH over time.
    • On the left we can see that the OP surpasses BTC on Jul 27th forward and it reaches its maximum amount on Aug 4th and despite the drop after Oct 11th it manages to rise back to the top till Nov 15th.
    • On the right however even though OP has the upper hand between Jul 29th and Aug 10th but it starts to drop again until the mild progress on Nov 9th where ETH price drops on a massive scale.


    • As you can see in the info above OP is a slowly but surly growing currency and it surpasses BTC (in the current state) by a lot.
    • OP manages to outprice ETH due to ETHs huge drop in price which turned very profitable for OP in this situation.
    • In the delegators distribution part we can see a lot of delegators (mostly in other category) Airdropped a considerable amount of OP and over 61.1% of users delegated their OPs.
    • This is a promising picture dedication of users to Optimism and Op shows a bright future in the line for $OP but we still cant ignore the fact that BTC and ETH might regain their value in the future.

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    The solution of this question and the queries are completely used from the filipside database

    The construction of the dashboard was also used from the site app.flipsidecrypto.com/velocity, which belongs to flipside

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       Thank you very much dear ==0xHaM☰d==

    What Is The Optimism Airdrop?

    Airdrops have become one of the most noticeable highlights in the crypto and blockchain landscape. The ability to get your hands on free crypto tokens is definitely an advantage most of you would like to capitalize on. If you are looking for information about Optimism Airdrop, then you must have multiple doubts revolving around your mind. 

    What is Optimism? Why should you worry about its airdrop? How can you claim tokens from the airdrop by Optimism? The following discussion would help you gain some insights about the airdrop of the Optimism network governance token, i.e., OP. You can discover a brief overview of Optimism and its significance alongside valuable information about the airdrop.

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