Overtime Markets - Profitable Traders
Identify the 5 most profitable traders on Overtime Markets in the last two weeks. How much has each wallet won by sport?
How does Thalesmarket work?
The set of smart contracts composing Thales leverages uncensorable sUSD as collateral, an immutable source of truth for market settlement from Chainlink data feeds, and all the advantages (speed, costs, and security) of a rollup-centric network like Optimism.
This dashboard will give you
- It shows the 5 users with the largest bet volume
- It shows the 5 users with the largest winning volume in betting and the 5 users with the largest losing volume
- It shows the number of wins and losses of users in bets
- It shows the sports and games that have been the most profitable for users
Top Games And Sport by most profit
In the two charts below, we have shown 5 games that have created the most profit for users and 2 sports that have created the most profit for users.
As you can see, the games Philadelphia Phillies vs Miami Marlins and Cincinnati Reds vs Chicago Cubs have generated the most profit for users, and Baseball and Soccer have generated the most profit for users.
As you can see in the charts above, most of the users have lost bets in the last two weeks and have made more losses, and those people who have won, their profits have been several times less than the losses of others.
According to the above information, betting on this site has caused more losses to users and users have made a little profit in the last two weeks. Soccer and Baseball are two sports that have brought the most benefits to users.

The table (optimism.core.fact_token_transfers , optimism.core.fact_event_logs , optimism.core.dim_contracts) was used to obtain the following charts.
The contract (0x170a5714112daEfF20E798B6e92e25B86Ea603C1) has been used as the Overtime Markets main address contract and sUSD, USDC contracts. DAI is also used for the volume of transactions.