Polygon Opensea Fees

    Q6. Find the wallet that collects Opensea fees. Make a dashboard showing how much Opensea has earned through Polygon transactions.

    Posted on July 30, 2022

    This dashboard will give you

    • It shows the daily price of several tokens that have been paid as a fee.
    • It shows the percentage of how many tokens have been paid as fees
    • It shows the volume of daily fees
    • It shows the total amount of fees

    Price of Tokens

    In the chart below, we have shown the prices of several currencies that have been poured into the OPEN SEA wallet as fees. (WETH , DAI , USDC , REVV)

    To get these prices, we have used the filtering of the address contract of these currencies in the flipside_prod_db.ethereum.token_prices_hourly table.


    Tokens sent to wallets

    In the donut chart below, the percentage of currencies taken from users for fees is displayed.

    WETH currency includes more than 99% of the fees and only about 0.7% of the fees include other currencies.

    The following chart is obtained by counting transfers of different currencies to two wallet addresses.

    (0x8De9C5A032463C561423387a9648c5C7BCC5BC90) , (0x5b3256965e7c3cf26e11fcaf296dfc8807c01073)

    These two addresses are the wallets to which the fees charged from the users have been transferred.

    Daily volume of fees

    The chart below shows the daily volume of fees charged from users in OPEN SEA from the 6th of June until today. As you can see, the amount of these fees has decreased a bit.

    The following chart is obtained by multiplying the daily price of each token by the amount of fees that users have paid with each token to wallets (0x8De9C5A032463C561423387a9648c5C7BCC5BC90 , 0x5b3256965e7c3cf26e11fcaf296dfc8807c01073).


    The total volume of fees

    The number on the left shows the amount of all the fees that have been collected from users since June 6 in dollars.

    my contacts:

    • Telegram : @delk00

    • discord : hojjat7878#8809

    • twitter : @hojjat8d



    The world’s first and largest digital marketplace for crypto collectibles and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). Buy, sell, and discover exclusive digital items.

    OPEN SEA fee

    OpenSea's model is simple — we receive 2.5% of the sale price. That's it. Users and partners can create NFTs for free at any time.

    In this dashboard, we have analyzed this fee.
