Pool of The Week
Daily Volume
- Firstly we see the daily volume of stOSMO/OSMO (#833) liquidity actions over time and we can see how many people exited or joined the pool.
- On Nov 23rd we can see the most number of actions here 8M joined and around 2991 exited as you can see, the most recent peek that happened on Dec 4th also shows numbers of 4.3M joins and 56k exits.
- On the second row we have the daily volume of IST/OSMO(#837) actions over time and The highest peek of this graph takes place on Nov 15th with no exits and 338k worth of join volume.
- On the third row of images we have the daily volume actions of BNB/OSMO(#840), on Nov 23rd which we have the highest amount of volume for types of actions we can see 34.7k join and 177.9k exit.
- The final pool we have in the fourth row is wETH.grv/OSMO(#634) and here we have two very similar peeks which one happens on Nov 25th and the other takes place on Nov 28th.
- On Nov 25th of the last pool we witness a 92.8k exits and 12.1k joins, on the other hand we have Nov 28th with 103.4k joins and 0 number of exits.
- In this text box we only reviewed the important days of the daily volume per pool and the right side graphs show the averages of daily actions for each pool.
Daily Numbers
- In the first section we had the daily volume of the action types per pool and here we take a closer look at the numbers of the actions for each.
- First, same as before, we have the stOSMO/OSMO (#833) and on the 23rd of November which we had the most volume of actions, here we can see the number of the types. We have 5 exits and 199 joins as you can see.
- In the left side graphs we have the number of actions presented and on the right we can take a look at the number of Liquidity providers and on the same date mentioned as the last line we have 5 exits and 168 joins.
- The same info as said in the last lines are repeated for each pool mentioned in the following boxes down bellow.
- As you can see the peek of actions for IST/OSMO (#837) takes place on Nov 24th with 3 exits and 213 joins, the number of Liquidity providers on the same day is 3 exiters and 27 joiners.
- The third pool is BNB/OSMO (#840) and on Nov 29th we have 78 joins and 14 exits which were made by 58 joiners and 13 exiters.
- Lastly we have daily number of actions and providers for wETH.grv/OSMO (#634) and on Nov 27th we see 37 joins and 1 exit which were made by 16 joiners and 1 exiters.
- In the third section of this article we have the distributions of all four pools that we mentioned by the volume of join and exit actions.
- For stOSMO/OSMO we have less than $10 joins with 1480 numbers in the first spot and for exits we have 79 in the first spot which are $10-$100 worth of volume.
- Next pool is IST/OSMO and in the joining actions first spot we have 493 joins and they are $10-$100, for the exits column we see the highest number for $100-$1000 volume with 14 exits.
- BNB/OSMO pool has the most number of joins in the less than $10 column with 533 number of joins and for exits we have the again less than $10 on top with 27 exits.
- For the last pool we have wETH.grv/OSMO and the highest number of joins and exits in order are 40 less than $10 and 4 between $10-$100.
- All of these info’s are last updated on Dec 5th of 2022.
As the beginning of this article said, the OSMOSIS support lab has started a new program called pool of the week since the start of November. Here we are going to check on 4 pools and see the result of this program and it effects on the pools in the following mentioned dates.
11/11/22 Pool 833 - stOSMO / OSMO
At the first stop we have the stOSMO/OSMO and on the Nov 11th of 22 we can see, suggested by the graphs above, 120 join actions and 2 exits made by 111 joiners and 2 exiters among the Liquidity providers. Also the volume of the actions are 372.2k and 92.1 worth of volume for join and exit in order.
11/15/22 Pool 837 - IST / OSMO
Secondly we have IST/OSMO on the Nov 15th of 2022 and the number of joins and exits are 57 and 0 in order made by the liquidity providers of 46 joiners and 0 exiters.
11/22/22 Pool 840 - BNB / OSMO
The BNV/OSMO pool number 840 here has 59 joins and 3 exits made by 55 joiners and 3 exiters and the volume of the actions made on this date are 35.5k for joining and 1172 worth of volume for the exits.
11/29/22 Pool 634 - wETH.grv / OSMO
Fort the final pool we have 19 joins and 0 exits made by 15 joiners and the volume of the join actions on this day is 1168.
- Author: Hojjat
- Discord: hojjat7878#8809
- Twitter: @hojjat8d
- Email: hojjat78delshad@gmail.com
Since the start of November, the Osmosis Support Labs team has run the Pool of the Week program, highlighting important and/or new pools within the ecosystem. What kind of impact has this program had on the liquidity of these pools? Track LP volume in and out of these pools based on the following dates: \n
- 11/11/22 Pool 833 - stOSMO / OSMO
- 11/15/22 Pool 837 - IST / OSMO
- 11/22/22 Pool 840 - BNB / OSMO
- 11/29/22 Pool 634 - wETH.grv / OSMO
For each pool track from date above to present.
This dashboard is divided into the following three parts:
1_ Daily Volume
2_ Daily Numbers
3_ Distributions
The following tables were used to create this dashboard:
1_ osmosis.core.dim_prices
2_ osmosis.core.dim_labels
3_ osmosis.core.fact_liquidity_provider_actions
The following distributions are used for the third part of the dashboard:
1_volume < 10 then 'Less Than $10'
2_volume >= 10 and volume < 100 then '$10 - $100'
3_volume >= 100 and volume < 1000 then '$100 - $1000'
4_volume >= 1000 and volume < 10000 then '$1000 - $10000'
5_volume >= 10000 then 'More Than $10000'

Osmosis is an automated market maker (AMM) protocol built for liquidity providers. Therefore, it should be governed and owned by liquidity providers. Over time, the largest allocation of OSMO tokens is set aside for liquidity incentives to reward liquidity providers for their contributions and give them an ownership stake in the future of the protocol.
The process for earning these liquidity incentives is known as liquidity mining. While many within the Cosmos ecosystem are familiar with concepts like staking rewards and community pools, Osmosis is the first Cosmos project to introduce liquidity incentives.
Osmosis aims to be the most innovative AMM across all ecosystems. Osmosis has many planned features in development to improve LP incentives beyond what current AMMs have been able to accomplish.
In this post, we will cover the process of how liquidity incentives are chosen, earned, and distributed on Osmosis.
Liquidity Providing
Providing liquidity (called “LPing”) is the process of depositing assets into an AMM pool. AMMs are decentralized finance protocols that allow for the swapping of assets without a centralized intermediary. Just as trading firms make traditional markets, AMMs establish prices and facilitate trades using permissionless liquidity pools into which users can deposit assets.
For example, if Pool #1 is the OSMO<>ATOM pool, users can deposit OSMO and ATOM tokens into the pool and receive back Pool1 share tokens. These Pool1 share tokens (called LP tokens) represent one’s proportional ownership of the pool.
Liquidity pools have specific ratios at which assets must be deposited. Most AMMs require that assets be added at a 50–50 ratio (the total value of Asset 1 is equal to the total value of Asset 2). Similar to Balancer protocol, Osmosis allows for pools with customized weights (allowing the total value of one asset in the pool to be higher than the other) and even liquidity pools with more than two assets.
Users pay a fee to buy and sell from these liquidity pools. These transaction fees are added to pool assets, essentially resulting in a pro-rata distribution to LP share holders. (Since one’s proportional ownership of the pool remains constant, as the total amount of liquidity in these pools increases due to fees, one’s total contributions also increase.)
Liquidity provision is not without costs. LPs take on a risk known as impermanent loss. It essentially means that users would have earned more simply by holding the assets than depositing them into liquidity pools. When the price of the assets in the pool change at different rates, LPs end up owning larger amounts of the asset that increased less in price (or decreased more in price). For example, if the price of OSMO moons relative to ATOM, LPs in the OSMO-ATOM pool end up with larger portions of the less valuable asset (ATOM).