Updated 2023-01-29
    SELECT blocks.block_timestamp::date as day , 'Optimism' AS blockchain, AVG(prices.price) as price_usd, COUNT(DISTINCT blocks.block_number) AS blocks, (price_usd * sum(ETH_VALUE)) as totall_volume,
    COUNT(DISTINCT transactions.tx_hash) AS txn, (txn / 90 / 86400) AS Transactions_per_Second,
    COUNT(DISTINCT transactions.from_address) AS unique_users
    FROM optimism.core.fact_blocks blocks JOIN optimism.core.fact_transactions transactions ON blocks.block_number = transactions.block_number
    JOIN ethereum.core.fact_hourly_token_prices prices ON blocks.block_timestamp::date = prices.hour::date
    WHERE blocks.block_timestamp::date >= CURRENT_DATE - 90 AND prices.symbol = 'WETH'
    GROUP BY 1 , 2
    UNION all

    SELECT blocks.block_timestamp::date as day ,'Arbitrum' AS blockchain, AVG(prices.price) as price_usd, COUNT(DISTINCT blocks.block_number) AS blocks, (price_usd * sum(ETH_VALUE)) as totall_volume,
    COUNT(DISTINCT transactions.tx_hash) AS txn, (txn / 90 / 86400) AS txs_per_sec,
    COUNT(DISTINCT transactions.from_address) AS unique_users
    FROM arbitrum.core.fact_blocks blocks JOIN arbitrum.core.fact_transactions transactions ON blocks.block_number = transactions.block_number
    JOIN ethereum.core.fact_hourly_token_prices prices ON blocks.block_timestamp::date = prices.hour::date
    WHERE blocks.block_timestamp::date >= CURRENT_DATE - 90 AND prices.symbol = 'WETH'
    GROUP BY 1 , 2
    SELECT blocks.block_timestamp::date as day ,'Polygon' AS blockchain, AVG(prices.price) as price_usd, COUNT(DISTINCT blocks.block_number) AS blocks, (price_usd * sum(MATIC_VALUE)) as totall_volume,
    COUNT(DISTINCT transactions.tx_hash) AS txn, (txn / 90 / 86400) AS txs_per_sec,
    COUNT(DISTINCT transactions.from_address) AS unique_users
    FROM polygon.core.fact_blocks blocks JOIN polygon.core.fact_transactions transactions ON blocks.block_number = transactions.block_number
    JOIN ethereum.core.fact_hourly_token_prices prices ON blocks.block_timestamp::date = prices.hour::date
    WHERE blocks.block_timestamp::date >= CURRENT_DATE - 90 AND prices.symbol = 'MATIC'
    GROUP BY 1 , 2

    SELECT blocks.block_timestamp::date as day , 'Ethereum' AS blockchain, AVG(prices.price) as price_usd, COUNT(DISTINCT blocks.block_number) AS blocks, (price_usd * sum(ETH_VALUE)) as totall_volume,
    COUNT(DISTINCT transactions.tx_hash) AS txn, (txn / 90 / 86400) AS txs_per_sec,
    COUNT(DISTINCT transactions.from_address) AS unique_users
    FROM ethereum.core.fact_blocks blocks JOIN ethereum.core.fact_transactions transactions ON blocks.block_number = transactions.block_number
    JOIN ethereum.core.fact_hourly_token_prices prices ON blocks.block_timestamp::date = prices.hour::date
    WHERE blocks.block_timestamp::date >= CURRENT_DATE - 90 AND prices.symbol = 'WETH'
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