Solana Network Performance Dashboard

    Posted on July 9, 2022

    Q95. Create a dashboard displaying Solana network performance over time.

    How has the network performed over the past month compared to the rest of the year? Has transaction per second and success rates of transactions gone up recently? Is this because of less botting or fewer users, or new improvements from the Solana engineers? What wallets and programs have paid the most in fees for failed transactions?


    This dashboard will give you

    • It shows the number of transactions per second and the number of successful transactions per second
    • It shows the addresses that have paid the highest fees for unsuccessful transactions

    my contacts:

    • Telegram : @delk00
    • discord : hojjat7878#8809
    • twitter : @hojjat8d

    Transactions Per Second

    The chart below shows the number of transactions per second and the number of successful transactions per second from jan 1 until today. As you can see, the number of transactions has decreased compared to the beginning of the year, but it has started an upward trend since the 4th month.

    Also, the number of downward spikes that occurred at the beginning of the year has decreased, which shows the improvement of the network.

    Also, in the second chart, the win rate percentage of transactions per second is displayed

    Highest fee paid

    In the charts below, the addresses that paid the most fees for failed transactions and the addresses that had the most failed transactions are displayed.

    In these 20 addresses, there are both wallets and programs on the Solana network