Solana NFT Market Review (World Cup Time)

    Overall Stats

    • The overall stats of solana sport NFT’s are shown in the charts bellow as you can see.
    • In the first picture we have the top three solana sports and their sales stats and as you can see, The suites has the highest numbers among the three. The sales number is 85, token counts is 74 and the buyers and sellers in order are 33 and 36. The amount of sellers are almost half as the tokens in this case.
    • In the volumes column form in the first rows middle we can see that even though the collectorz sales number was so short but the volume of their sales are much more than the Hockey’s spot. The suits=218.5k USD, Hockey heroes=22.9k USD and collectorz club gen 1=59.4k USD
    • Same as the volumes in the middle graph the numbers on the NFT’s minimum and maximum volumes are also in the same order, first we have the suits, collectorz and lastly Hockey.
    • In the daily number of sales and daily volume of sales over time graphs on the left and bottom left we clearly can see why the suits has came on top of the NFT sales.
    • The most number of sales happened on Nov 22nd and the most volume of sales we had was on Nov 18th and all of that days volume belong to the suits as it is clearly visual here.
    • The daily average volume of sales show that on Nov 20th which we had the least number of sales, we have the most average volume during the all time sales from Nov 15th to Nov 23rd.
    • Even on the cumulative number of sales in the bottom of this sections graph we have Nov 21st and 22nd with the most number of sales that happened.

    Purchases Stats

    • Interesting enough we can see that the average number of purchases and purchased tokens per buyer has the highest numbers in Hockey Heroes which means even though the number of buyers and sellers were not so high on them but the transactions that happened between the buyers and sellers were relatively high. The collectorz and suits averages are also pretty close per buyer on this point.
    • The average volume of purchase per buyer says another story however because collectors come out on top here and with their low amount of tx count it seems their transactions were high value.
    • The second row of graphs prove the point in the last line and we can see the low number of transactions distributed and also the high amount of volume that is distributed between buyers.

    Daily Over-Time Stats

    • The average number of daily sales and average volume of daily sales are similar to the first graphs that we had in the start of this article and as you can see the teams come in the same order of number of sales and daily volume of sales.
    • Here we have the top ten solana purchases by purchase count and volume, the first spot in the volume sections on the right is the same buyer as the one in the left side graphs second place.
    • And the first spot of the left is the same buyer as the 3rd spot on the right.

    Sellers Stats

    • The average number of sales per seller and their volumes are shown in the two column forms bellow.
    • The average number of sale per seller is the most for the suits but the right side columns are the same as the average volume of purchase per buyer and the collectorz come out on top in the first place then have the suits and then we have the hockey.
    • In the distribution of sellers in the following column forms we can see that the suits sellers sold the most number of tokens and only the suits has more than 10 times segment in its distribution.
    • Same as the distribution of buyers we can see that the sellers of collectorz made much more valuable deals than the other sellers on the left two sides.
    • On the both sides of this text box we can see the top ten sellers by their sales count and volume.
    • The first spot of the sales number is same seller as the second spot on the volume numbers and the first spot on the volume columns is not even listed in the top ten by sales count.
    • In the first column form in blue, bellow this box we can see that the top ten Solana sport NFT’s trade numbers are all locked on 2.
    • The most expensive single transaction sale that happened on the suits side is 25.3k worth of volume and the 2nd place in for collectorz with 18.3k and the 3rd place is again for the suits.
    • From the two images from right side we understand that most of the top 10 expensive transactions happened on The suits side and only 4 of them happened on collectorz side.
    • By the comparison of the volumes we see that the most total volume trade is also the most expensive single trade in the middle graph same goes for the 2nd and 3rd spots.
    • In the distributions on the left we can see that other than suits, The two other sport NFT’s just sold in the magic eden v2 market and only 7.3% of suits volume were in the hadeswap market.
    • In the box bellow we have the volumes in SOL and same as USD only suits has 12.3% on hadeswap.
    • In the first column form we can see that the suits has 35% of its maximum volume above $2500 volume sales and the majority of its sales were between $1000-$2500.(last updated on Nov 24th)
    • The same can be said about the other two sports except that collectorz volume splits only in two segments; more than $5k and $1k-$2.5k.

    What is NFT and How Does NFT Work?

    NFT means non-fungible tokens (NFTs), which are generally created using the same type of programming used for cryptocurrencies. In simple terms these cryptographic assets are based on blockchain technology. They cannot be exchanged or traded equivalently like other cryptographic assets.

    Like Bitcoin or Ethereum. The term NFT clearly represents it can neither be replaced nor interchanged because it has unique properties. Physical currency and cryptocurrency are fungible, which means that they can be traded or exchanged for one another.

    • NFT stands for a non-fungible token, which means it can neither be replaced nor interchanged because it has unique properties.

    Key Features of NFT - 

    • Digital Asset - NFT is a digital asset that represents Internet collectibles like art, music, and games with an authentic certificate created by blockchain technology that underlies Cryptocurrency. 
    • Unique - It cannot be forged or otherwise manipulated. 
    • Exchange - NFT exchanges take place with cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin on specialist sites.

    Now that you've taken your initial steps in understanding what an NFT is, you should continue on and learn about how an NFT works.

    • The majority of NFTs reside on the Ethereum cryptocurrency's blockchain, a distributed public ledger that records transactions.
    • NFTs are individual tokens with valuable information stored in them.
    • Because they hold a value primarily set by the market and demand, they can be bought and sold just like other physical types of art.
    • NFTs' unique data makes it easy to verify and validate their ownership and the transfer of tokens between owners.

    Methodology and Introduction

    Today, we are at the time of the soccer world cup, and with this dashboard we wanted to examine the sports NFTs at this time, what impact the world cup has had on these NFTs.

    In this dashboard, We are going to compare some of the top sport-related NFTs on the Solana ecosystem in different terms and provide some useful metrics about them.

    First, we need to extract the mint address of each NFT from solana.core.dim_labels table to join them with solana.core.fact_nft_sales table and provide data about these collections’ sales.

    All charts and graphs show the information of the last ten days.


    • We already knew that solana is a very strong platform when it comes to NFT market and selling NFT tokens.
    • In this article we review the SOLANA NFT market which is even stronger than before in my opinion because of the beginning of the world cup 2022.
    • Now that the world cup has started we have the sport NFTs moving the market with by a storm and here we have 3 of top sport project who sell NFT goods to buyers and they are called Hockey heroes, The suits and the collectorz club gen1.
    • In the beginning of this article we saw that the most number of NFT’s with buyers and sellers with transactions happened on The suits and also they have the most volume value among the three projects and I can confidently say that it is a pretty standard project for buying and selling token.
    • But there are surly differences in the three of them and I’m gonna say what is on my mind to try and help you to understand how they are working right now.
    • First of all I will point out the collectorz and I think this is the best choice for buyers and sellers who are trying to make low number transactions but with high volume, because as you can see in the distribution of sellers and buyers buy their number of tx count and volume you can see that the lowest number of transactions has happened on collectorz side, but with looking at the average volume per buyer, seller and its total volume in the NFT sales we can understand the sellers and buyers on this project are actually making NFT transactions with high value no matter the low number of them.
    • The other two projects are pretty similar in terms of number of nfts and sales and purchases however. But the suits seems a more appropriate choice specially for mid range volume of transactions.

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