Solana Solend Demographics
Q101.Solend is the leading lending protocol on Solana. What are the demographics of the Solend userbase? What is the user distribution by size of account? (How many have between $1-1,000, 1,000 - 100k, etc). Is the protocol largely influenced by whales, or by average Solana users?
Posted on August 2, 2022
This dashboard will give you
- It shows the number of unique users since the beginning of the year
- It shows User Distribution By Borrowing SOLANA
- It shows User Distribution By Borrowing USDC
User Distribution By Borrowing SOLANA
In the following charts, we have categorized the users who have Borrowed in Solend based on the amount of SOL they have Borrowed.
In this category, we have used the following filter :
Plankton = 1 < volume borrow $ < 100
Crab = 100 < volume borrow $ < 1000
Fish = 1000 < volume borrow $ < 10000
Octopuses = 10000 < volume borrow $ < 100000
Dolphin = 100000 < volume borrow $ < 1000000
whale = volume borrow $ < 1000000
To get these charts, we have used solana.core.fact_events and solana.fact_swaps tables. that we have used Jedo Swap to get the SOL price on a daily basis.
User Distribution By Borrowing USDC
In the following charts, we have categorized the users who have Borrowed in Solend based on the amount of USDC they have Borrowed. In this category, we have used the following filter :
Plankton = 1 < volume borrow $ < 100
Crab = 100 < volume borrow $ < 1000
Fish = 1000 < volume borrow $ < 10000
Octopuses = 10000 < volume borrow $ < 100000
Dolphin = 100000 < volume borrow $ < 1000000
whale = volume borrow $ < 1000000
We have used solana.core.fact_events table to get these charts.
my contacts:
- Telegram : @delk00
- discord : hojjat7878#8809
- twitter : @hojjat8d
Solend is a decentralized lending and borrowing protocol on Solana. Solend offers lending and borrowing on Solend, Wrapped SOL, USD Coin, USDT, Ether (Portal) etc.