Sorare Activity (Especially Football NFTs)
- In the first section here we have info about mints number of mints over time and share of mints for each sport.
- over 82% of mints belong to Football and the least portion is for MLB, the highest number of mints over time took place on Nov 18th of 2022 and all of them were for Football.
- The cumulative number of mints over time shows that by the end of Jan 10th the number of Football mints reached 307 and by the end of Jan 8th of 2023 NBA reached 44 mints.
- The last day that MLB received any mints was Nov 22nd of 2022 and on the mentioned date MLB reached 21 mints.
- Over 97% of transfers belonged to Football according to the pie chart bellow which got updated last on Jan 11th of 2023 the other 2% goes to NBA and MLB respectively.
- The highest number of transfers over time took place on Oct 13th of 2022 and on the final date which is Jan 10th of 2023 in the column graph, we see only Football had 42 transfers.
- By the end of Jan 10th Football reached 3387 transfers and 2 day earlier on Jan 8th NBA reached 54 transfers.
- The final update on MLB transfers goes back to Nov 26th of 2022 with 24 transfers.
- The share of senders is even more dominant on Football’s side as you can see over 99% of senders belong to this sport and the other two only have slightly over 0.5% of share of senders.
- The highest number of senders belongs to Oct 14th of 2022 column and all of them are for Football and on the final day, Jan 10th of 2023, the number of senders are 63 and once again all of them are for Football.
- Based on the cumulative number of NFT senders we see that Football reached 3820 senders on Jan 10th and 2 days earlier NBA reached 36 senders.
- The final update on MLB NFT situation took place on Nov 26 with only 8 senders.
- On the other hand we have the pie chart of number of receiver’s and here a bigger portion of them belong to non Football NFT’s.
- With almost 87% of the receiver’s belonging to Football we see that close to 13% of the remaining segments belong to NBA and MLB.
- The Oct 24th column has the highest numbers and this time MLB and NBA have a saying in the highest column and on the final day which is Jan 10th of 2023 we only had 5 receiver’s and they are for Football.
- The cumulative number of receiver’s on the final updated dates are 519, 40 and 13 for Football, NBA and MLB respectively.
- Now in this section we have the share of number of NFT’s for each sport and here almost 99% of the NFT’s belong to Foot ball and the remaining 1% goes to NBA and MLB.
- The highest number of NFT’s were transferred on Oct 17th and on the final day we had 82 NFT’s transferred which all belonged to Football.
- The cumulative form shows that On Jan 10th Football had 6016 NFT’s transferred, on Jan 8th NBA had 53 NFT’s transferred and on Nov 26th MLB only had 24 NFT’s transferred.
Sales (Football)
- In the first column graph bellow we have the number of NFT sales over time and the most number of sales happened on Nov 30th and on the final date which is Jan 10th of 2023 we had only 4 sales.
- The cumulative number of sales during time shows that by the end of Jan 10th we reached total 214 number of sales.
- The sales volume over time graph shows that on Dec 24th we had the most volume of sales over all time in the graph, the other dates volumes are not even comparable to the mentioned date.
- The cumulative sales volume reached 9.81k by the end of Jan 10th.
- On Nov 30th the we had the most number of buyers and the cumulative buyer amount reached 149 by the end of Jan 10th.
- The following two rows show us the number of NFT’s sold over time and the average price in USD over time, based on the column forms on Nov 30th we had the most number of NFT’s sold and the most average price we had war on Dec 24th of 2022 which was 857 USD.
Scarcity of Cards (Football)
- The scarcity of Football cards based on the first pie chart bellow is about 90% rare, 6.5% super rare, 2% limited and about 0.6% is unique the final two segments are the most rare and high value cards.
- The scarcities share of total players in the second pie chart show us that rare, super rare, unique and limited are in order 40%, 33.7%, 14.1% and 12.3% respectively.
- The following two pie charts show the scarcities of total clubs and scarcities of total seasons which in order have 33.5% and 54.7% rare in the first spots respectively.
- In the final row left side we can see the most number of traded cards were traded on Nov 30th and all of them were limited edition, on the final day of the graph, Jan 10th of 2023, there were only 4 limited cards traded.
- Th scarcity of traded cards in the final column form is based on the volume of their volume and here we can see on Dec 24th the highest volume of cards were traded and all of them were limited edition. On the final day of the graph we only had 92 worth of volume traded and they were limited as well.
- In the first three column forms we have the price of the most expensive cards, average price of most expensive cards and average price of most expensive clubs, which in the first spots they show Bris Tashti, Bris Tashti and Pohang Steelers respectively.
- The top player with the highest volume of sales (USD) is again Bris Tashti and the highest sales volume goes to Pohang Steelers in the first spot of clubs with the highest sales volume (USD).
Cards’ Statistics (Football)
- In this article I tried to briefly cover the NFT’s sale news of Sorare especially Football, because of low numbers of NBA and MLB NFT’s I didn’t go to the details of them and mainly tried to focus on Football NFT’s.
- In the first section we see in the pie chart that over 82% of total mints belong to Football and the rest goes to NBA and MLB, the second section of the dashboard tends to total number of transfers and here we see over 97% of the transfers belong to Football as well as over 99% of senders.
- On the receiving end however we see 87.2% of the receivers belong to Football NFT’s and a bigger portion gets divided between NBA and MLB.
- Almost 99% of the transferred NFT’s belong to Football alone and barely over 1% is for NBA and MLB together.
- In the sales information part of Football NFT’s we see that the highest number of sales, buyers and traded NFT’s took place on Nov 30th of 2022, but the highest volume of sales and average price was on Dec 24th of 2022 as you can see in the column forms.
- The pie charts in the scarcity of cards show the how rare are the cards and how much of the total share of the cards each rarity concludes, the highest number of limited cards were traded on Nov 30th and the highest volume of limited cards were traded on Dec 24th of 2022.
- In the final section of the dashboard we see that the highest player based on sales volume is Bris Tashti and the highest sales volume between clubs goes to Pohang Steelers.
Author: Hojjat
Discord: hojjat7878#8809
Twitter: @hojjat8d
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The NFT data of the Sorare collection were selected from the ez_nft_mints, ez_nft_transfers, and ez_nft_sales tables of the Core schema of the Ethereum database by filtering the tables using the NFT contract address attributed to each sport. While it has been long since the availability of Football NFTs, the NBA and MLB cards have been released recently. Hence to be able to compare the activity around the cards of the three sports with each other, the last 30 days were considered as the default time frequency of the analysis. However, viewers are able to change the date range and time interval using the parameters above the page. The metadata for the cards were extracted from the event_inputs column of transactions with a CardAdded event using the fact_event_logs table. Then, the name of players and clubs were manually labelled using the data on OpenSea and etherscan.
Contract Address
The following addresses were used to filter NFTs of each collection:
- Football: 0x629a673a8242c2ac4b7b8c5d8735fbeac21a6205
- MLB: 0xc43c97cfebfe912906c52a268ed5b6e21c8cc39d
- NBA: 0x06bc6bf1432c4f28da6ad2bee7d6e62f91b1b669
Sorare Deployer: 0x7f243bc585dc218d6b33949c02d01ac3b007aaa5

What is Sorare?
Sorare is a blockchain-based fantasy soccer game adored by many soccer fans worldwide. The founders of the platform want to give fans the opportunity to develop and play the game, even when they can’t play it on the field. Users can buy, trade, sell and manage a virtual team with digital player cards.
By competing against other users of this fantasy football game, you can earn points. It’s more than simply playing virtual tournaments because you need to build strategies and create lineups. The more you know about the real-life performances of your players, the more points you earn.
The Ethereum-based platform was developed in 2018. In 2020, trading Sorare players cards were sold for $52,500 and in 2021, the prices went up to $3.6 million.