SuperFluid Validating
General information
- The total deposit and withdraw of volume are shown along side the net volume of SPS pools on a pool basis in the column form bellow, as you can see the highest amount of deposit/withdraw happened pool #1 with deposit amount of 1.054B and withdraw of 730.82M, which all together create the net volume of 323.60M net volume for SPS pool #1.
- The total amount of deposited volume through all pools is about 1.723B and the total withdrawn volume is -1.195B and all of these volumes create a total net volume worth of 529M through all SPS pools (last updated on Dec 20th of 2022).
- Average volume of deposits is 107.7M and the average volume of withdraws is -74.7M as you can see in the last two boxes bellow.
Weekly information
- In the first two row of graphs in column form in the following section, we can see the weekly information of deposit and withdrawn volume per pool.
- The most amount of deposit took place on Sep 27th of 2021 and as you can see pool #1 has the majority of the deposits, almost 100M (98.40M to be exact).
- On the other hand the most amount of withdrawn volume took place on Mar 21st of 2022 and the following 7 days after that, most of the volume withdrawn here belongs to pool #1 worth of 33.9M.
- The total net volume of each pool is shown in the weekly cumulative net volume graph and the final numbers at the end of the graph are the same as the numbers in the previous section, the net volume of pools as you can see started to rise on a massive rate after Dec 27th of 2021.
- The weekly deposit/withdraw information of the pools are shown in a normalized form in the last two images and with a simple look we can see the impact of pool #1 and how much volume got moved to or from it.
- In the distribution of validators by their SFS $OSMO we have Cosmostation, Shapeshift DAO and in the top three spots with the $OSMO balance of 89.35M, 54.87M and 43.89M in order of mentioned .
- Judging by the percentage wheel above we can see that Cosmostation has 14.6% of the total $OSMO between validators and Shapeshift and Audit have 8.99% and 7.19% of the total share in order.
- In the distribution of validators by their total SFS OSMO broke down by pool, we can see a large number of them possess a balance of $10k-$100k.
- In the final column form we can see that 78 of the validators have SFS OSMO worth of $100k-$1M in the first spot and the least number of validators carry less than $1k worth of OSMO.
- There are 16 super fluid staking pools currently in OSMOSIS and here in this article I tried to cover the net volume of each and to show how much SFS OSMO each validator has and in each pool.
- First and foremost we have the column form of each pools deposit/withdraw volume in the first section, as you can see the pool #1 is the number one pool in terms of net volume amount. This pool currently has net volume worth of 323.60M.
- The most amount of deposit took place on Sep 27th of 2021 and the most amount of withdraw happened on Mar 21st of 2022 as you can see in the second section, in the following normalized forms we can understand that pool #1 has the biggest share in both withdraw and deposit volumes. On Sep 27th around 80% and on Mar 21st of 2022 almost 74% of the deposited volume belongs to pool #1.
- The final section contains the OSMO balance information of each validator and how much SFS OSMO they have per pool, the top three validators with the most SFS OSMO are Cosmostation, and ShapeShift DAO. All of these three validators conclude more than 30% of the total SFS OSMO and in the next column forms we can see how much OSMO they have in each pool.
- Author: Hojjat
- Discord: hojjat7878#8809
- Twitter: @hojjat8d
- Email:
What is Superfluid Staking?
Superfluid staking, a new Cosmos SDK module built by Osmosis, is the newest innovation for proof-of-stake networks.
In traditional proof-of-stake, staking is the key to maintaining integrity of the consensus mechanism. Tokens can be delegated to a validator to provide an economic collateral that can be penalized, or slashed, for misbehavior. Superfluid staking allows Osmosis users to delegate the OSMO underlying their bonded liquidity pool tokens to strengthen the security of the Osmosis network, expand the utility and demand for the OSMO token, and increase their yields.
How does Superfluid Staking work?
Superfluid staking allows users to stake their bonded LP tokens. This option is available to LP tokens for OSMO pairs that are bonded for an amount of time that is equal to or longer than the staking unbonding time — currently 14 days. Bonded LP tokens delegated to a validator will continue to earn swap fees and liquidity mining incentives, and the OSMO underlying the LP tokens will now earn staking rewards from inflation and transaction fees.
Unlike traditional staking, where rewards must be claimed, superfluid staking rewards are distributed to accounts directly at epoch, similar to liquidity mining incentives. A key feature of superfluid staking is the “superfluid discount factor” parameter. This parameter adjusts the percentage of underlying OSMO of a superfluid staked LP token that is counted as delegated. It represents the amount that is “discounted”, or removed from a user’s superfluid delegation. For example, a superfluid discount factor of 10 means that 90% of the OSMO underlying a given LP can be counted as delegated. The superfluid discount factor does not apply to slashing to punish validator misbehavior. Superfluid staked LP tokens will be subject to slashing at full value. Slashed LP tokens are sent to the community pool. As the amount of OSMO underlying a given LP token will constantly change, the amount of OSMO that is credited to a user’s delegation will be recalculated each epoch.
In terms of how superfluid staking works on the UI level, users can utilize the new Superfluid button on a given pool’s page on, or interact with the superfluid module via the command line. The unstaking period from superfluid staking is the same as traditional staking, however if initiated on the Osmosis front end, the LP tokens will be unstaked and unbonded at the same time and the timers will run concurrently for a total period of 14 days. As with traditional staking, rewards are not earned when unstaking from superfluid staking.
The following categories are used in this dashboard:
Validator_Final_Volume < 1000 then 'Less Than $1,000'
Validator_Final_Volume >= 1000 and Validator_Final_Volume < 10000 then '$1,000 - $10,000'
Validator_Final_Volume >= 10000 and Validator_Final_Volume < 100000 then '$10,000 - $100,000'
Validator_Final_Volume >= 100000 and Validator_Final_Volume < 1000000 then '$100,000 - $1,000,000'
Validator_Final_Volume >= 1000000 and Validator_Final_Volume < 10000000 then '$1,000,000 - $10,000,000'
Validator_Final_Volume > 10,000,000 then 'More Than $10,000,000'
The information of this dashboard is from September 27, 2022 until today.
This dashboard includes the following parts:
- General information
- Weekly information
- Weekly information
- Distribution information
The following tables were used to create this dashboard:
- osmosis.core.dim_prices
- osmosis.core.dim_labels
- osmosis.core.fact_swaps
- osmosis.core.fact_liquidity_provider_actions
- osmosis.core.fact_superfluid_staking
- osmosis.core.fact_validators
There are 16 SuperFluid Staking pools currently available on Osmosis (1, 678, 704, 712, 674, 722, 9, 604, 497, 812, 584, 3, 481, 42, 463, 15). What impact would a slashing event have on the OSMO liquidity of these pools?
Analyze the distribution of superfluid-staked OSMO across these pools. Which validators have the most SFS OSMO in total, and per pool?