The Battle of the Solana NFT Aggregator

    What are NFT Marketplace Aggregators?

    An aggregator can be a person, website, or software that acquires data or information from different resources and displays them to users who might find them helpful. So, an ==NFT aggregator== is a platform that displays multiple NFTs listed on various marketplaces. Such aggregators allow ==traders== and ==investors== to easily trade NFTs from different marketplaces without visiting the actual marketplaces.

    These aggregators can be regarded as an all-in-one marketplace because they ==pool NFTs== from various marketplaces and makes buying and selling NFTs seamless for parties involved. They give a broader view of various marketplaces by presenting them to investors and allow them to compare NFT prices, gas fees, royalties, and other considerable factors.

    It also saves investors from ==navigating== through various marketplaces and ==reduces== time spent. Aside from all these, marketplace aggregators also make ==unified purchases== possible where investors can purchase NFTs from different sources in a single transaction.

    How NFT Marketplace Aggregators Work?

    NFT marketplace aggregators pool NFT data or information from various sources, dividing them into categories, and feeding it to search engines. Below are the stages involved.

    1. Data Pooling Data pooling involves gathering numerous NFTs’ transactional data from various marketplaces. This pooled information is the spine of every marketplace aggregator.
    2. Data Aggregation The pooled data is gathered in a single catalogue or interface to create a single entry point for the platform. This single entry point makes the accessibility of data seamless when queried.
    3. Data Classification Data classification involves classifying the pooled data with specific metrics or parameters like rarity, timing, price, ranking, etc. This is to make data analysis seamless for potential investors or buyers.
    4. Feeding Data to Search Engines After the above three stages have been executed successfully, the data collated is fed to search engines on the platform so that users can easily track their preferred NFTs.
    5. Batch Purchase One of the critical functions of NFT marketplace aggregators is a batch purchase which allows users to buy multiple NFTs from different marketplaces in a single transaction. This batch purchase saves extra gas fees that would have been charged on each transaction of respective NFTs.

    For instance, imagine you want to buy 30 NFTs and have to pay 30 different transaction fees. But with this batch purchase functionality, you’ll only pay transaction fees once for all NFTs.

    What is the question?🚨

    Hyperspace and Coral Cube are the two most popular NFT aggregators on Solana. This means that they list all NFTs across different marketplaces along with allowing listings on their own marketplace.


    Create a dashboard comparing KPIs between Hyperspace and Coral Cube. Which marketplace has done more volume? Which collections are popular on each marketplace? Why would I use one marketplace over the other?


    Are there any noticeable market trends between the marketplaces, especially after Solana marketplaces moved to a 0% creator royalty?


    In this dashboard, We are going to make a deep comparison between 2 NFT aggregator marketplaces on Solana, Hyperspace and Coral Cube. After that, we are going to express some reasons for using each platform.

    For this purpose, we are going to mainly use solana.core.fact_nft_sales table and filter marketplace to hyperspace or coral cube to extract the result for the related platform.

    Moreover, We are going to only consider successful transactions on this platform. (succeeded = 'TRUE')

    Before going into analysis, it is good to know that Coral Cube is much older than Hyperspace and it was launched on February 2022 while the Hyperspace platform was launched in mid-September 2022. So, there may be high difference on overall-comparison numbers but anyway we are going to also take a look at average and growth metrics for a more fair comparison between these 2 platforms.


    Coral VS. Hyperspace (number of sales and volumes)

    • The three column forms bellow this text box shows us the amount of sales and volume of both contenders in Oct 29th.
    • As we can understand from the volume metrics, Coral Cube has a better total volume in both SOL and USD, But what Hyperspace bests at is the average and median amount of volumes which are higher then Coral Cube.
    • The most important piece of information gained here is from the 3rd image, Which tells us Hyperspace might be behind Coral Cube Volume wise, But the number of sales and buyers and sellers are very limited compared to Coral Cube and still Hyperspace manages to maintain a good volume in the market.
    • As we mentioned in the previous text box, larger number of buyers and sellers chose to work on Coral Cube market place.
    • Almost 91.5% of buyers use Coral Cube and on the other hand also 93.1% of sellers use Coral Cube as well.
    • Only a very small amount of users choose to work with Hyperspace or both markets compared to total Coral Cube users.
    • We can also say that the Users who work on both markets, can be added to the total amount of users on both markets, Because they are using multiple markets.
    • On the both sides of this text box we have distribution of sales by their volumes.

    • As we can see almost 80 percent of the Coral Cube sales contains the less then 0.5 SOL section.

    • In Hyperspace however the widest section is the 1-5 SOL and it creates almost 60 percent of total volume.

    • Comparing the both volumes together we can understand that Coral Cube benefits from more amount of sales but with less volume, where the opposite case happens for Hyperspace, less amount of sales but with more volume compared to Coral Cube.

    • On the left we have the daily amount of volume of sales between Feb 2nd and Oct 29th.
    • Its is visible that when Hyperspace enters the competition on Sep 23th, it holds a much higher amount of volume then Coral Cube, and judging by the graph the trend would continue in the near future.
    • On bellow left image we have the daily volume of sales on a percentage wheel and it is split in almost perfect middle between Coral Cube and Hyperspace .
    • And finally we have the average amount of daily active buyers and sellers that still tells us (like before) that Hyperspace lacks in number of users but keeps up the competition by having more volume over time.
    • At bellow of this text box we have two graphs suggesting the daily amount of sales and volume over time between Feb 3rd and Oct 29th.
    • As Hyperspace starts it work at Sep 22nd we can see that not a lot of users are working in this market compared to Coral Cube but the volume of sales over time graph tells us that even with less active users it is possible to keep up with the volume of other markets.
    • The daily number of seller and active buyers over time is broke down in two graphs bellow in the second row, here we can compare the number of active daily sellers or buyers of both markets since Sep 22nd to the end of October.
    • Bellow this text box we have the daily number of new purchases and despite Hyperspace having less amount of total users we can see that new buyers amount is almost equal between two markets by the end of Oct 29th.
    • The total number of purchases in both markets are shown in the right side graph bellow, It is safe to say that only 8.7% of Coral Cube purchases amount, Creates the number of Hyperspace total buyers over time.
    • In the second row of images bellow we can have a better understanding of Market share of sales count and sales volume over time and it is obvious that the volume of Hyperspace once again precedes the number of its sales over time.
    • Almost 95% of total volume belongs to the Hyperspace and by the end of Oct 29th about two thirds of total sales happen in Hyperspace market.
    • Sum of the number and volume of sales over time from Feb 2nd to Oct 29th is shown in the two images bellow.
    • the Coral Cube sales over time starts from the beginning of the graph but the trend starts to rise significantly from May 17th forward.
    • And as successful Coral Cube is we can see the rising trend of Hyperspace market slowly climbing to the higher states and the volume graph on Hyperspace is much more eager then its cumulative amount of sales.
    • The distribution of buyers and sellers by their total volume on the left and right side of this text block, tell us that more portion of Hyperspace users make trades with high volumes then Coral Cube.
    • As it is shown almost 30 percent of Coral both buyers and sellers make only less then 0.5 SOL worth of volume trades.
    • The distribution of buyers and sellers with their total buy and sell counts that are shown on the left and right image suggest that the amount of transactions on Hyperspace no matter being purchase or sell, is less then Coral Cube overall transaction amounts.
    • More then 50 percent’s of selling or buying in Hyperspace circles around 1 trade.
    • The volume of purchases and sales in both markets are shown in the left and right column images.
    • Once again it is clear that the amount of average volume is more of purchases and sales of Hyperspace are way more then the volumes on Coral Cube market.
    • On left and right we can see Average number of purchases and purchased tokens per buyer and the number of sales and sold tokens per seller and in Coral Cube the amount of transactions clearly is more than Hyperspace.
    • A small detail to point at is that the number of sales and sold tokens are slightly more than number of purchases and purchased tokens per buyer in Hyperspace market.

    As we can see in the last row and this row of images the amount of volume in both purchases and sales of Hyperspace tops Coral Cube by a small amount despite the major difference between their number of transactions.

    Now that we compared both markets top 10 sellers and buyers based on their transactions count, It is time to take a look at their top 10 sales and purchases volume as well.

    Same as the last row, we have the top ten Coral Cube purchase and sales amount per buyers and sellers which for buyer the 3 top in order are 1210, 1174 and 1044.

    And as the sellers we have 1482, 973 and 898.

    At this section we review the top ten sellers and buyers (by count and volume) on both markets compared.

    as you can see the top 3 buyers on Hyperspace made in order 119, 110 and 82 purchases and top three sellers made 251, 175 and 131 sales by the end of Oct 29th.


    At last we have top 10 trader with net profit on both markets shown in column form here.

    And as you can see the traders in top spots of Hyperspace made more profit then traders on Coral Cube,

    But this situation changes when we look at the lower tier traders which made more profits on their trades on Coral Cube then on Hyperspace.

    • As shown in the bellow column graphs bellow the number of sales and purchases in different collections show us that the Coral Cube has the upper hand in the amount of transactions happening in the NFT collections.
    • We can also see that in the volume columns the volume of sales in the Hyperspace are higher in the top tier collections.
    • in the low tier collection however we can see the Coral Cube columns show more volume last updated in Oct 29th.
    • In the first spot of Sales collection we have Coral Cube with 2200 and on the Hyperspace with 1157.
    • Also in the purchases collections in the first spots we have Hyperspace with only 185 and Coral Cube with 2200.
    • But Hyperspace again gains the upper hand in the volume section and in the first spot of collections volume we have Hyperspace with 58.9k Degods and Coral Cube with 43.8k trippin ape tribe.
    • In the images bellow we have the proof for the last part of our information.
    • As you can see the Hyperspace top ten Expensive transactions have more value then the top ten in Coral Cube.
    • Even in lower tier sales we can see more value and expense then the columns on the Coral Cube image.
    • On the both sides we have the wash and non wash trading comparison based on sales and volume.
    • We can see that over 50% of Hyperspace trading’s are normal trading’s (sales and volume).
    • on the other hand the majority of Coral Cube trading’s are in POS wash trading section
    • Also a very small percentage of Hyperspace trading’s is created by Transfer back wash Trading which visible on both sales and volume form of comparison.


    • Hyperspace and Coral Cube are the two most popular NFT aggregators on Solana. This means that they list all NFTs across different marketplaces along with allowing listings on their own marketplace.


    • Create a dashboard comparing KPIs between Hyperspace and Coral Cube. Which marketplace has done more volume? Which collections are popular on each marketplace? Why would I use one marketplace over the other? Same as we discussed earlier it is totally obvious that Hyperspace is making more volume due to targeting smaller portion of traders but with higher prices and higher volume trades. When on the other Hand Coral Cube is working with the majority of traders that use less volume on their trades and work with lower prices.


    • Are there any noticeable market trends between the marketplaces, especially after Solana marketplaces moved to a 0% creator royalty? The most obvious tend is that Hyperspace is making more volume in majority of is trades and those trades that are not in top of Coral Cube are also in a very close spots to the Coral Cube volume columns as shown in the beginnings of this dashboard. What is clear is that if the same trend continues Hyperspace will be a more successful market then Coral Cube, in the near future because of the more value that it has in its trades, not to mention that the amount of its users (which are limited compared to Coral Cube) is slowly but surly increasing over time.

    About me:



    The solution of this question and the queries are completely used from the filipside database

    The construction of the dashboard was also used from the site, which belongs to flipside

    Some ==queries== and charts and the ==method== description section are copied from the following dashboards:

          Thank you very much dear ==alik110==

    Part l : Volume

    Part ll : Daily

    Part lll : Avrage and Distribution

    Part llll : Top 10