Total Metamask Users

    Q1. How many total Metamask wallet holders are there? What’s the average value of ETH held in wallets? What percentage of wallets are engaging in a higher order activity, like staking?

    This dashboard will give you

    • Shows how many holders of Metamask wallets there are in total
    • Shows the average value of ETH in wallets
    • Shows what percentage of wallets are engaging in a higher order activity

    Total Metamask Users

    Average Value of ETH Hold

    The table below shows the total holders of Metamask wallets based on the number of addresses they swap with this( 0x881D40237659C251811CEC9c364ef91dC08D300C ) contract.

    The table below shows the average ETH held in Metamsk wallets, which is based on the amount of ETH inventory of the wallets obtained in the previous section. The necessary information to create this table has been taken from 2022-06-23


    The table below shows the number of Metamsk wallets stacked in lido and rocketpool, according to which about 1.5% of the wallets stacked in these two projects.

    Percentage of Wallets Activity