Most Popular ASA To Swap From ALGOs
Let’s look at what ASAs(Algorand Standard Assets) are most popular to swap into from ALGOs in 2022 using the swaps tableCreate a bar chart visualization of the top 10 ASAs by total ALGO swap volume. (Tip: This means we want to look at swaps where the wallet is sending in ALGOs(asset ID: 0) and receiving another asset in return. The volume would in ALGOs would be the sum of all the ALGOs wallets sent in to receiver the asset). Create a table for the top 10 ASAs found in part 1. In this table, list the ALGO swap volume and the average amount of ALGOs involved in a swap. Create a time series chart to look at the number of swaps (from ALGOs) to each of these 10 ASAs over time by day since the beginning of 2022. Note any trends on the increasing or decreasing popularity of any of the ASAs.