Yousefi_1994New Active Users transacted with Paraswap
    Updated 2022-05-14
    with paraswap_dex_router as(
    select address from ethereum_core.dim_labels
    where label = 'paraswap'
    swap_list_on_paraswap as (
    select tx_hash from ethereum_core.ez_dex_swaps
    where sender in (select address from paraswap_dex_router)
    previous_wallets_created as (
    select distinct(from_address) as previous_wallet_address
    from ethereum_core.fact_transactions
    where block_timestamp < current_date - 60
    and tx_hash in (select tx_hash from swap_list_on_paraswap)
    select block_timestamp::date as days,
    count(distinct(from_address)) as number_of_new_unique_users
    from ethereum_core.fact_transactions
    where tx_hash in (select tx_hash from swap_list_on_paraswap)
    and from_address not in (select previous_wallet_address from previous_wallets_created)
    and block_timestamp >= current_date - 60
    group by days
    order by days desc
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