Active NEAR Projects

    In this dashboard, active projects in the Near ecosystem have been analyzed and reviewed. This dashboard allows users to analyze and review active projects in that time frame by selecting the number of days.

    Question ❓

    Create a dashboard with a time parameter that lets you look at what projects are active based off of contract interactions and using project labels.

    Look at the number of users, contract calls, transactions, and transaction volume per project.

    The goal of this dashboard is to provide the NEAR Foundation the ability to look up how many projects and what projects are active at any given period of time. Make sure to include a table that includes a list of these projects and statistics associated with each project so the NEAR ecosystem can understand what projects are most active

    Content 📖

    The following dashboard has been designed to provide the NEAR Foundation with valuable insights into the active projects within the NEAR ecosystem. By utilizing contract interactions and project labels, this dashboard allows users to analyze and review active projects based on a selected time frame. The dashboard presents crucial information such as the number of users, contract calls, transactions, and transaction volume for each project. Additionally, a comprehensive table is included, listing the active projects along with their associated statistics. This dashboard aims to empower the NEAR ecosystem by offering an up-to-date understanding of the most active projects within any given period of time.

    To determine if a project is active or not. First, we get the total number of days in which there was a transaction in the specified period, then we check that it was active in at least one fifth of this number of days in this period. A project that meets these conditions is considered active

    This dashboard allows users to determine by changing the N_DAYS parameter for which specific period of time to check Near ecosystem projects. For example, the default value of this The parameter is 30. It means that the information related to the previous 30 days can be seen. By changing this value to 60, the information related to the previous 60 days until now can be seen. To be able to use this parameter, first log in to the site and then wait for the results to be updated by changing this parameter and pressing the Apply all parameters button.
    Active NEAR Projects