New Year, New LUNA?

    The holidays and New Year are often chaotic in the crypto and DEFI space, as users make a spree of new transactions and wallets as they receive (and give) some cash and coins as holiday gifts.


    Has this flurry of winter activity impacted the Terra ecosystem? Are users creating new wallets or buying tokens with their newfound holiday wealth? Are they staking all those new tokens once they get them? Or are they selling tokens to pay for their own gifts and holiday travel?

    Are users creating new wallets?


    To check the new wallets, I have considered the first transaction made by the wallets as the creation time.

    In the left chart, the number of wallets that were created from the last month of 2022 until now is shown by day.

    Also, the cum of the wallets made in this period is shown.

    • It can be said that in the first days of 2023 the number of new wallets per day has not changed compared to the last weeks of 2022.
    • The cum of new wallets had a sharp fall on the first day of 2023.
    • The average number of new wallets per weeks has not changed significantly in the time period.
    • The total number of new wallets per week was over 800 in the last weeks of 2022 and the first week of 2023 but it decreased in the second week of 2023.

    Are users buying tokens with their newfound holiday wealth?

    Are they staking all those new tokens once they get them?

    #TX & Fee



    In this section, I have analyzed the changes in the number of transactions made in the network in the last weeks of 2022 and the first weeks of 2023. Also, I have displayed the total fee paid for the transactions performed on a weekly basis, and the average fee paid for each week's transactions has also been calculated.

    • As we can see, in the last month of 2022 the number of transactions have been higher than 50k transaction. By comparing this number with the number of transactions before December, we can understand that the number of transactions have increased before the new year.
    • By looking at the number of transactions of the first two weeks of 2023, we can understand that the number of transactions has decreased.
    • Based on the chart of the total fee, in the last month of 2022 the total fee has increased was over 800 in all four weeks.
    • Although in the first week of 2023 the total fee was high, but it decreased in the second week.
    • Based on the chart, although the total fee paid increased in December, but the average fee paid for the transactions decreased.
    • The average fee had a rise in the first week of 2023 but then it declined in the second week.


    In this section, I have reviewed the data of transactions performed for Mint and sale of NFTs in the last month of 2022 and the first days of 2023.



    In the charts above the number of NFT mints per day and week is shown and the share of total mint and NFT mint are shown in the pie charts.

    • The number of mints by collections decreased in the last month of 2022 and the first two weeks of 2023.


    In this section I have obtained the number of NFT buyers in the last month 2022 and the first days of 2023 per day and week.

    The number of purchases of the top buyers is also shown.

    • As it can be seen in the charts, the number of NFT buyers didn't have a noticeable change in the time period that is checked. However the last week of December had the highest number in the time period.


    In this section I have obtained the number of NFT sellers in the last month 2022 and the first days of 2023 per day and week.

    The number of sales of the top sellers and the top collections is also shown.

    • As it can be seen in the charts, the number of NFT sellers didn't have a noticeable change in the time period that is checked. However the last week of December had the highest number in the time period.

    Staking Data

    In this section, I examine the stacking data of the users.


    Swap transactions from Luna to other tokens


    What Is Terra?

    Terra is an open-source blockchain payment platform for an algorithmic stablecoin, which are cryptocurrencies that automatically track the price of currencies or other assets. The Terra blockchain enables users to instantly spend, save, trade, or exchange Terra stablecoins.


    Now, it's time to give answers to the questions mentioned at the beginning of this dashboard.

    • Are users creating new wallets or buying tokens with their newfound holiday wealth?

      It can be said that in the first days of 2023 the number of new wallets per day has not changed compared to the last weeks of 2022.

    • Are they staking all those new tokens once they get them?

      The number of new delegators didn't have a noticeable change in the considered time period.

    • Are they selling tokens to pay for their own gifts and holiday travel?

      The number of traders swapping Luna to other tokens , the number of new trader and the number of swap transactions didn't have a noticeable change. So we can conclude that the users are not swapping(selling) their Luna.

    • Has this flurry of winter activity impacted the Terra ecosystem?

      According to the charts in the last month of 2022 the number of transactions have been higher than 50k transaction and by comparing this number with the number of transactions before December, we can understand that the number of transactions has increased before the new year. Although the number of transactions performed in the network increased in the weeks before the new year, but because of the lack of significant changes in the number of new wallets, number of new delegations and the number of swaps from Luna it is safe to conclude that the new year and the holidays didn't have the desired impact on the Terra ecosystem.


    In the charts above number of traders swapping Luna to other tokens , number of new traders, number of swap transactions and the total amount of swaps in the last month of 2022 and the first days of 2023 are shown per day and week.

    • The number of traders swapping Luna to other tokens , the number of new trader and the number of swap transactions didn't have a noticeable change in the time period except for Jan 9 that had a sharp rise.
    • The total amount of swaps were under 2M in the time period except for Dec 6 and Dec 31 that had a significant rise.


    In the charts above the number of delegation transactions, number of new delegators, total delegation volume, average delegation and the total amount of delegate by users in the last month of 2022 and the first days of 2023 are shown per day and week.

    • Except for the first days of December the number of delegation transactions were under 1000 and I consider this a decrease compared to the week before December.
    • The number of new delegators didn't have a noticeable change. in the considered time period.
    • The total delegation volume and the average delegations had a significant rise in Dec 30, Dec 31 and Jan 7 so the weekly records of the last week of 2022 and the first week of 2023 were higher.
    • The total amount of delegate by users had a significant rise in Dec 30, Dec 31 and Jan 7 so the weekly records of the last week of 2022 and the first week of 2023 were higher.


    In this dashboard I have considered the last weeks of 2022 and the first days of 2023 as the time period for my analysis of the changes in the Terra ecosystem.

    • First, I have analyzed the changes in the number of transactions, the total fee paid for the transactions and the average fee paid.
    • To check the new wallets, I have considered the first transaction made by the wallets as the creation time. Then I have shown the number of wallets that were created and the cum of the wallets made in the time period .
    • I have reviewed the data of transactions performed for minting, purchasing and selling of NFTs.
    • I have also examined the stacking data of the users.
    • Last, I have reviewed the data of swap transactions from Luna to other tokens.