ZSaedUSD amount joined and exited pools
    Updated 2022-06-10
    WITH currency_volume_joined AS (
    -- currency volume joined the pools between block_id 4712064 and 4713064
    SELECT b.currency, sum(b.amount/pow(10, b.decimal)) as total
    FROM osmosis.core.fact_transactions as a JOIN osmosis.core.fact_liquidity_provider_actions as b
    on a.tx_id = b.tx_id
    WHERE a.tx_id IN (
    select DISTINCT tx_id
    FROM osmosis.core.fact_msgs
    WHERE block_id BETWEEN 4707300 AND 4713064
    AND msg_type = 'pool_joined'
    ) AND
    b.amount > 0
    GROUP BY b.currency
    ORDER BY total DESC
    ), currency_volume_left AS (
    -- currency volume leaving the pools between block_id 4712064 and 4713064
    SELECT b.currency, sum(b.amount/pow(10, b.decimal)) as total
    FROM osmosis.core.fact_transactions as a JOIN osmosis.core.fact_liquidity_provider_actions as b
    on a.tx_id = b.tx_id
    WHERE a.tx_id IN (
    select DISTINCT tx_id
    FROM osmosis.core.fact_msgs
    WHERE block_id BETWEEN 4707300 AND 4713064
    AND msg_type = 'pool_exited'
    ) AND
    b.amount > 0
    GROUP BY b.currency
    ORDER BY total DESC
    ), avg_price AS (
    SELECT symbol, avg(price) AS average_price
    FROM osmosis.core.dim_prices
    WHERE recorded_at BETWEEN '2022-06-07' AND '2022-06-09'
    GROUP BY symbol
    ), usd_volume_joined AS (
    SELECT sum(total*average_price) AS volume_joined
    FROM currency_volume_joined as a JOIN osmosis.core.dim_labels as b ON a.currency = b.address JOIN avg_price ON b.project_name = avg_price.symbol
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