Social Dashboard
Create a segmentation tool to help us understand the NEAR profiles of new users on The intention is to allow users to select a new group of Near users based on when they joined then look at that group of users wallet behavior. Some suggested wallet profile categories:
- age of wallets
- Staking history, average amount staked, average number of times staking
- DEX swaps
- What % of users bridged assets into NEAR vs using a centralized exchange, which bridges & centralized exchanges are most popular.
- NEAR Social Activity
- Any other profiling information that you think would be useful about the user.
The suggested format of the dashboard is as follows:
- On the first tab of the dashboard, display the first chart of this dashboard( so a dashboard viewer can see what time period they would like to select new users from. On that first tab, have instructions that the viewer can use the first chart to guide and help them select a parameterized time range to choose what period of new wallets to look at.
- From there, have date range parameters where users can select what time period of the new users they would like to look at the wallet segmentation for. The parameterized time range should only influence the selection of wallets based on when they first interacted with near social. Based on the selected group of wallets, create other tabs to look at the wallet profile criteria listed above.
In this dashboard, I have tried to provide a comprehensive tool for analyzing the behavior of Near Social users on the Near network.
To use this dashboard, first, enter your desired start and end date range. By doing so, the behavior of users who have joined Near Social during this period will be examined.
we have selected the "HACKTHON" event's time period as the chart's time frame. This event was held on Near Social from February 8th to February 17th.
Generally, the following items are provided in different sections of this dashboard:
Introduction to the dashboard Join Near Social a. Identifying users who have joined Near Social during the specified time range
- Determining the total number of Near Social users
- Determining the age of Near Social users' accounts and the age of their Near wallets (for users who joined during the specified time range)
Examining various behaviors of the selected users on the Near Social network
- Profile creation
- Profile editing
- Number of followers and followings
- Number of posts and comments
- Examining likes and unlikes
- Examining created widgets
- Word cloud analysis
Examining stake transactions carried out by the selected users
Examining swap transaction data carried out by the selected users
CEX Vs Bridge
Comparing bridge to Near transactions with transfers from CEXs to Near
Describing the details of the used queries
Note: due to the structure of this dashboard and providing a tool to users for conducting their own analyses, I have refrained from drawing conclusions from the results of the charts. This is because the results of the charts may change depending on the time interval set by the user, and any conclusions drawn may become invalid. Therefore, this dashboard does not include a results section.
Hello, my name is Zana and I am a data analyst currently working on projects of MetricDao and Flipside, where I focus on analyzing blockchain and cryptocurrency. In the last few months, I have become interested in cryptocurrency and data analysis and that led me to the projects on MetricDao and Flipside. My background in information technology, combined with my master's degree, has given me a strong foundation in data analysis and natural language processing. In my free time, I enjoy programming, exploring artificial intelligence, and playing video games. I am passionate about using technology to find solutions and make a positive impact.
Discord: ZSaed#2204