Tracking Adoption and Usage of NETH


    The day that many citizens of the City of Near had been waiting for finally arrived late last year. As of December 19, 2022, NEAR is compatible with MetaMask, marking the first time a non-EVM chain has offered compatibility with the popular ETH wallet. This was made possible by a smart contract called NETH. You can find more about how NETH works here.

    Now that the contact and ensuing compatibility has been live for nearly three months, it's time to dive deeper into the data. Create a dashboard monitoring NETH's adoption and usage, paying special attention to any notable trends, outliers, or other events.


    A Dashboard Analysis of Near's Compatibility with MetaMask.

    In this dashboard, we have focused on analyzing the activities of NETH users and analyzing the types of transactions that users have performed.

    The information in this dashboard is divided into 9 tabs, and the following items have been examined in each tab:

    1.  Strat

      •  Introducing different sections of the dashboard and a general introduction to the NETH project.

    2.  Users

      • Displaying the growth of users and the total number of users.
      •  Displaying the assets of users on the Ethereum network.
    3.  Transactions 

      • Displaying the total number of transactions performed by users.
      •  Determining the number of transactions performed for each type.
    4.  Swap

      •  Displaying general information about swap transactions performed by users.
      •  Displaying the most popular token pairs swapped.
    5.  Staking

      •  Displaying general information related to staking transactions.
      •  Determining the top users in terms of the volume of staked tokens.
    6.  NFT

      •  Displaying general information about minting NFT transactions.
      •  Determining the top users in terms of the number of minted NFTs.
    7.  Add Message

      • Displaying general information about "Add message" transactions.

      • Determining the top users in terms of the number of "Add message" transactions.
    8.  Conclusion

      •  Summarizing the analysis performed and presenting the final conclusion about the growth of NETH.
    9.  Technical

      • Providing detailed explanations about the queries used and describing the factors that have contributed to increasing the accuracy of the data obtained in different sections. In all sections of this dashboard, when we refer to users, we mean NETH users. These users are individuals who have connected their Nier wallet address to Metamask and have used their Metamask wallet to control transactions performed on Near.


    Hello, my name is Zana and I am currently working as a data analyst for MetricDao and Flipside, where I focus on analyzing blockchain and cryptocurrency. My background in information technology, combined with my master's degree, has given me a strong foundation in data analysis and natural language processing. In my free time, I enjoy programming, exploring artificial intelligence, and playing video games. I am passionate about using technology to find solutions and make a positive impact.

    Discord: ZSaed#2204

    🎬About NETH

    NETH is a smart contract that allows users to interact with NEAR native decentralized applications (dApps) using their Ethereum wallets, such as MetaMask. This eliminates the need for users to relearn everything when entering a new chain, and removes the entry barrier for EVM users to enter the NEAR Native ecosystem. NETH is open-source, non-custodial, and verified by OtterSec for security. It requires a NEAR account with a deployed smart contract and the NEAR Wallet Selector plugin, and there are fees involved in the setup process. NETH works for most Ethereum wallets and is whitelisted on NEAR's Wallet Selector, making it easier for dApp integration. Future work includes an improved onboarding experience, tighter integration with bridging assets, more dApp integrations, and UI/UX improvements.