Trending assets in Osmosis: Skill-building Bounty 14 (Easy)
In this dashboard, we check the data of osmosis.core.fact_swaps table and check the number of transactions made in the last week with all the time.
Using the data in this table, we can get the number of traders who have done swap transactions for different time periods.
The data in this table can be used for different analyses; in this dashboard, we have checked the number of traders that had swap transactions in the last week.
It is possible to check the volume of swaps made from different tokens and perform related analyzes as well.
Number of unique traders in the past week & All the Time
In the following graphs, the number of traders who have made transactions in the last week and the number of traders who have made transactions in all the time have been specified. In the donut chart, the total number of transactions is shown.
In this chart, it is shown that more than 16 million transactions have been done in all the time and about 160 thousand transactions have been done in the last week.
According to the data for the number of traders who have made transactions in the last week and the number of traders who have made transactions in all the time, we have
396 traders for all the time
28 thousand traders for the last week
Top 10 trending assets people are buying in the past week in terms of the number of transactions
In this section, we have obtained the top ten tokens in terms of the number of transactions made to buy these tokens, and we have also specified the number of traders who bought these ten tokens.
According to the obtained data, the following three tokens have the highest number of purchase transactions.
USD Coin
According to the data in the table, the following three tokens have the highest number of traders in the last week.
- Cosmos
- Osmosis
- USD Coin