In this post I present the largest swap ever completed for each pool on Thorswap. The swap size is denominated in USD. It is queried by applying the max() function to the 'from_amount_usd' table in 'thorchain.swaps'. The result is grouped by 'pool_name'.
The largest swap ever completed on Thorswap was a $1.04M trade using the THOR-RUNE pool. This pool consistently appears at the top of the charts in our Thorchain analysis of swap volumes. I believe a contributing factor to its large trading volumes is that Thorswap is the best place to trade THOR. Most of THOR's trading volume is concentrated on Thorswap. The other tokens can be traded in many other DEX's that offer huge liquidity.
I am surprised to find that Yearn's YFI token registered the fourth largest swap ever. Another surprising finding is the unimpressive maximum swap of wrapped BTC (wBTC, for a maximum swap of $20K).
Thank you for reading! ⚡