LUNA Price Volatility

    What has the daily volatility (standard deviation of price day over day) of LUNA price been over the past 2 weeks? How does that compare to the volatility of ETH over the past 2 weeks? What are events and/or factors potentially impacting these?


    In conclusion, there hasn't been much extreme volatility for both ETH and LUNA, probably due to the recent BTC bull run which broke the $40k barrier. We can see that the volume and prices and slowly starting to increase week on week and I think this trend will continue for a while.

    Here's a daily volume for the LUNA-UST pair. There hasn't been much change in volume except for Jul 26th and 28th, in which around $5m was being traded.

    There hasn't been much change in terms of the top pools on Uniswap, with stable eth pairs dominating the top 10 pools by volume

    From the graph above, we can see that ETH has been on an uptrend in price in the past 2 weeks, ranging from $1,747 to $2,663, which represents a 34% increase.

    The table shows the hourly average prices of Ethereum taken from ethereum token prices hourly

    From the graph above, we can see that LUNA has doubled in price in the past 2 weeks, ranging from $5.64 to $12.06.

    The table shows the hourly average prices of Luna taken from Terra oracle prices.
