Polygon Shapeshifter Hunt

    The transactions doesn't seem to be showing in the query below but here is the full tx:

    Swap USDT for MATIC on quickswap: https://polygonscan.com/tx/0x45359a4ae036ae22a62b9c8eda8564f5f71ce52ab341e86056c9212338a475cb

    Deposit MATIC to AAVE vault: https://polygonscan.com/tx/0x98bbae9a91491d55810da6bd6f94de264b91dbb8d64c474ae7aa6c242d8647de

    For this hunt, I have acquired MATIC via quickswap and deposited MATIC to AAVE vault.

    • Swapped 15 USDT for MATIC
    • Deposited 10 MATIC on AAVE