What are the top 5 TerraSwap pools ranked by swap volume? What are the top 5 TerraSwap pools ranked by TVL?
As for the top 5 pools, ANC-UST, MIR-UST, MINE-UST, LUNA-UST and bLUNA-LUNA usually rank among the top with certain exceptions such as STT-UST's highly anticipated launch on 23rd August, with over $19m traded.
There has been a change in top 5 terraswap pools lately, with mAssets such as mSLV, mVIXY and mBTC losing its top 5 status since the launch of several other projects on Terra.
ANC-UST leads the way in terms of TVL, followed by MINE-UST, MIR-UST, LUNA-UST and more surprisingly, mGOOGL-UST.
The total transactions has been increasing since July but August has a strong increase daily transactions.
On Terraswap, Liquidity providers adds equal value of two assets to their corresponding pair pool, which increases liquidity for the corresponding pair market while maintaining the pool price. In this process, liquidity providers are rewarded in tokens, depending on which pool.