adambalaTrend Analysis
    Updated 2022-04-08

    select date_trunc('day',block_timestamp) as date , count(distinct origin_address) as users,
    case when (to_label ilike '%sushiswap%' or from_label ilike '%sushiswap%') then 'sushiswap'
    when (to_label ilike '%uniswap%' or from_label ilike '%uniswap%') then 'uniswap' end as platform
    from ethereum.udm_events
    where (to_label ilike '%sushiswap%' or from_label ilike '%sushiswap%') or (to_label ilike '%uniswap%' or from_label ilike '%uniswap%')
    and block_timestamp::date > current_date-356
    group by 1,3

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