adambalaLost or Gained by stETH/ETH Peg
    Updated 2022-06-15
    with a as ( select
    from_address as user,
    case when token_address = '0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2' then 'WETH' else 'stETH' end as token_in,
    amount_out as swap_in,
    amount_usd as swap_in_usd
    from ethereum.dex_swaps
    where direction = 'OUT'
    and pool_address = '0xdc24316b9ae028f1497c275eb9192a3ea0f67022' ),

    b as ( select
    from_address as user,
    case when token_address = '0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2' then 'WETH' else 'stETH' end as token_out,
    amount_in as swap_out,
    amount_usd as swap_out_usd
    from ethereum.dex_swaps
    where direction = 'IN'
    and pool_address = '0xdc24316b9ae028f1497c275eb9192a3ea0f67022' ),
    c as (select a.block_timestamp,a.tx_id,a.user,a.swap_in,a.swap_in_usd,b.swap_out,b.swap_out_usd,a.token_in,token_out,(SWAP_OUT_USD-SWAP_IN_USD) as diff,(SWAP_OUT-SWAP_IN) as diff_eth
    from a inner join b on a.tx_id=b.tx_id
    case when TOKEN_IN='WETH' then 'WETH to stETH' else 'stETH to WETH' end as swap ,
    when diff between 0 and 100 then '0-100 gain'when diff between 100 and 500 then '100-500 gain'when diff between 500 and 1000 then '500-1000 gain'when diff >1000 then '>1000 gain'
    when diff between 0 and -100 then '0-100 lose'when diff between -100 and -500 then '100-500 lose'when diff between -500 and -1000 then '500-1000 lose'when diff <-1000 then '>1000 lose'end as difference,
    count(distinct TX_ID) as tx ,
    count(distinct USER) as USERs,
    BLOCK_TIMESTAMP::date as date from c group by 1,2,5

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