adambalaApetimism 11
    Updated 2022-09-02

    a as (
    buyer_address ,
    sum (price_usd) as USD_Value,
    sum (price) as ETH_Value
    FROM optimism.core.ez_nft_sales
    where platform_name = 'quixotic' and EVENT_TYPE = 'sale' and CURRENCY_SYMBOL = 'ETH'
    and NFT_ADDRESS='0x51e5426ede4e2d4c2586371372313b5782387222'

    and price_usd > 0
    and price > 0
    and block_timestamp >= '2022-01-01'
    group by 1),

    b as (
    select seller_address ,
    sum (price_usd) as USD_Value,
    sum (price) as ETH_Value
    FROM optimism.core.ez_nft_sales
    where platform_name = 'quixotic' and EVENT_TYPE = 'sale' and CURRENCY_SYMBOL = 'ETH'
    and NFT_ADDRESS='0x51e5426ede4e2d4c2586371372313b5782387222'

    and price_usd > 0
    and price > 0
    and block_timestamp >= '2022-01-01'
    group by 1)

    buyer_address ,
    sum (b.usd_value - a.usd_value) as USD_Profit,
    sum (b.ETH_Value - a.ETH_Value) as ETH_Profit
    from a join b on buyer_address= seller_address
    Run a query to Download Data