adambalaState of the Art
    Updated 2022-03-14
    with base as (select *,
    date_trunc('day', block_timestamp) as day,
    msg_value:execute_msg:add_balance:amount/1e6 as amount_luna
    from terra.msgs
    where --tx_id = '0E2A3FE2E39A7882AE82F30651F794EE0F2D34661BECC87B14896E0169E2C226'
    msg_value:contract = 'terra1fj44gmt0rtphu623zxge7u3t85qy0jg6p5ucnk'
    and amount_luna is not null
    order by amount_luna DESC),

    price as (select date_trunc('day', block_timestamp) as day,
    avg(price_usd) as luna_price
    from terra.oracle_prices
    where symbol ilike 'LUNA'
    group by 1),

    table1 as (select
    amount_luna * luna_price as amount_usd
    from base a
    join price b
    on =,

    table2 as (select a.tx_id,
    msg_value:execute_msg:execute_order:order_id as order_id
    from table1 a
    join terra.msgs b
    on a.tx_id = b.tx_id
    where order_id is not null),

    table3 as (select a.tx_id,
    b.msg_value:execute_msg:post_sell_order:nft_contract_address as nft_contract_address,
    WHEN nft_contract_address = 'terra1sux7jjk9vfd0q6z0l99wpg07yd0wme0ac9le40' THEN 'The Crunks'
    WHEN nft_contract_address = 'terra1934kn7p03ns94htl75zpzsg0n4yvw8yf2746ep' THEN 'Styllar'
    WHEN nft_contract_address = 'terra1wcdapxh8030czdketyfemsa7lndsmpmk2e76l5' THEN 'WagmiKongz'
    Run a query to Download Data