adambalaTrend Analysis
    Updated 2022-04-11
    with a as (
    select ORIGIN_ADDRESS ,tx_id,
    (block_timestamp) as min_date
    from ethereum.udm_events
    where (TO_label ilike'%uniswap%' or from_label ilike'%uniswap%')
    group by 1,2,3 having min_date >'2021-12-01'
    ), b as(
    count(distinct ORIGIN_ADDRESS) as users,
    count(distinct tx_id) as transactions,
    date(min_date) as date
    from a
    group by 3)
    sum(users) OVER( partition BY NULL ORDER BY date ASC rows UNBOUNDED PRECEDING ) "Cumulative user",
    sum(transactions) OVER( partition BY NULL ORDER BY date ASC rows UNBOUNDED PRECEDING ) "Cumulative transactions"
    from b group by 1,2,3
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