with redelegatet as (
select tx_id,
split(ATTRIBUTE_VALUE,'uatom')[0]::numeric/1e6 as Redelegate_Amount
from cosmos.core.fact_msg_attributes
where msg_type = 'redelegate'
and attribute_key = 'amount'
and ATTRIBUTE_VALUE ilike '%uatom%'
and tx_succeeded = 'TRUE'),
redelegatort as (
select block_timestamp as Redelegate_Date,
attribute_value as Redelegator
from cosmos.core.fact_msg_attributes
where msg_type = 'coin_spent'
and attribute_index = '0'
and attribute_key = 'spender'
and msg_index = '0'
and tx_id in (select tx_id from redelegatet)
and tx_succeeded = 'TRUE'),
sourcev as (
select block_timestamp,
attribute_value as Source_Validator_Operator,
REPLACE(ATTRIBUTE_VALUE, 'valoper', '') as Source_Validator_Address
from cosmos.core.fact_msg_attributes
where ATTRIBUTE_KEY= 'source_validator'
and tx_id in (select tx_id from redelegatet)
and tx_succeeded = 'TRUE'),
destv as (
select block_timestamp,
attribute_value as Destination_Validator_Operator,
REPLACE(ATTRIBUTE_VALUE, 'valoper', '') as Destination_Validator_Address