Staking STBL on AlgoFi

    Question 33: Let's look at how much STBL, Algorand's First Stablecoin, has been staked on AlgoFi. Show the stake vs unstake actions over time Show the total number wallets that have staked over time Show the total amount of STBL staked(make sure to account for amounts that have been unstaked. Tips: AlgoFi Staking Docs: STBL Asset ID: 465865291 Staking Tips: Example Staking Transaction: Look for Application Transactions that have an app_id of 482608867
 and a decoded note try_base64_decode_string(tx_message:txn:note::string) = 'Market: mt' This application transaction will have a tx_group_id shared with an asset_transfer transaction sending the STBL to address DYLJJES76YQCOUK6D4RALIPJ76U5QT7L6A2KP6QTOH63OBLFKLTER2J6IA Unstaking Tips: Look for Application Transactions that have an app_id of 482608867 and a decoded note try_base64_decode_string(tx_message:txn:note::string) = 'Market: rcu' This application call transaction will have the amount unstaked in the tx_message(i.e. tx_message:dt:itx:txn:amt ::number )