Pricing ASAs

    Finding a market price for ASAs (Algorand Standard Assets) can be difficult at times due to the lack of prices being listed on sites like CoinMarketCap or CoinGecko. Let's look at some insights regarding ASAs prices!


    I will pick May 9th 2022 and use the "algorand.price_swaps" table for my analysis

    Firstly, let's look at the top 5 most and least expensive ASAs on that particular day

    Now I will pick an hour in that day and visualize the distribution of prices across all ASAs for that hour.

    So I'm gonna choose 3 AM and filter the results by SWAPS_IN_HOUR to only include ASAs that had at least one swap in that hour

    Note that following charts are all in logarithmic scale

    What about volumes? Let's find the top 10 ASAs by volume in the last 90 days

    Note that in order to correctly calculate volumes and other metrics, I had to filter out records having a VOLATILITY_MEASURE value greater than 1000, which is a no sense value

    What about the average volatility?

    goBTC and goETH were the top 2 volatile assets on average

    And what about the most swapped ASAs ?

    ALGO,USDC and Yieldy seems to rule here