NFT Wallet Behavior Comparison

    Create a series of dashboards comparing wallet behavior for buying and selling NFTs on Flow compared to Ethereum and Solana. Is there more or less "whale" activity on Flow compared to each of the other chains? What do "whales" tend to focus on in Flow? How common is "flipping" on Flow (selling within 24 hrs, within a week etc) compared to other chains, or do wallets tend to hold onto their NFTs? Are wallets more interested in new projects, or already existing projects on Flow?

    Create a series of dashboards comparing wallet behavior for buying and selling NFTs on Flow compared to Ethereum and Solana.

    In order to comparing wallet behavior for buying and selling NFTs on Flow vs Ethereum and Solana the following information showed:

    1. The List of Whales
    2. The number of transactions that whales participate in them
    3. Total number of transactons

    The above information organized for FLOW, ETH, and Solana in following tables and single numbers, Respectively.

    We can not have good view by comparison of the number of whales in each token! Because the community of each token and the volume of transactions is too different with each other. for example the total number of ETH users is more than other two.

    But we can normalize the data’s to achieve a good vision.

    Based on following information the percentage of participation of whales in transactions compared to the total number of transactions is equal to:

    1. 6.38 % in Flow
    2. 0.88% in ETH
    3. 1.22% in Solana

    It shows that the activity of whales in Flow in comparison of all Flow users is significant.

    If we look at the volume of transactions we find out that the ETH has maximum transactions value in comparison of Flow and Solana. After the ETH, Solana has second rank and the last one is Flow

    Because these three Crypto currencies are completely different both in terms of the volume of transactions and the number of users, so we have considered the definition of whale in each of these collections to be different.

    Definition whales in:

    Flow: A user that total volume of his/her transactions is more than 50000 USD

    Solana: A user that total volume of his/her transactions is more than 100000 USD

    ETH: A user that total volume of his/her transactions is more than 1000000 USD

    Is there more or less "whale" activity on Flow compared to each of the other chains?

    As we explain above the In terms of volume and number of transactions, yes. But if we normalize the values, the amount of activity of whales to the community of Flow users is more than other currencies.

    At the end of this section we list the Number of whales according to their transaction volume.

    As you can see the maximum range of Whales in

    1. Flow is less than 100.000 USD

    2. Solana is less than 10.000.000 USD

    3. ETH USD (!)

      (The first row related to Flow, Second one is about ETH and third on related to Solana)


    What do "whales" tend to focus on in Flow?

    In order to answer this question we visualized the Number of collections that Whales buy them according their name! As showed in following Chart the “Whales “ in Flow focused on “TopShot”, “AllDay“ and “UFC_NFT“ Collections , Respectively


    How common is "flipping" on Flow (selling within 24 hrs, within a week etc) compared to other chains, or do wallets tend to hold onto their NFTs?

    To check the “Flipping“ on Flow compared to other chains we investigate the number of Selling transactions of Whales in this three crypto currencies within 24 hrs, within a week and within more than one month.

    The three single number shows the above item in Flow.

    • As you can see the Most of the Whales do the selling transactions within 24 hrs. The 95% of NFTs was sold within a week, approximately!! It shows that Flow wallets do not have attend to hold onto their NFTs.

    The Solana has same situation in compare of Flow But this story is completely reverse in ETH!

    Further explanations will be given in the text.


    Are wallets more interested in new projects, or already existing projects on Flow?

    To answer the last question we check the behavior of whales in a special collection named “TopShot“ according to thier date of creation and sellCount

    We think that wallets more interested in already existing projects on Flow. Because the purchase amount in the past is more than now.


    The following three single number shows the number of Selling transactions of Whales in Solana within 24 hrs, within a week and within more than one month.

    • As it visualized the more than 45 % of NFTs sold within a day in Solana, approximately!

    • More than 40% of NFTs sold within a week

    • Finally just a bite more than 10% of NFTs sold after a month!

    • It shows the Solana wallets do not attend to hold into their NFTs, as the Flow wallets.

    The following three single number shows the number of Selling transactions of Whales in ETH within 24 hrs, within a week and within more than one month.

    1. As Its clear only less than 10% of NFTs of ETH sold within 24 hrs. Roughly!
    2. 30% of NFTs sold within a week
    3. More than 65% of NFTs sold after than one month and its a good evidence that shows the ETH wallets attend to hold into their NFTs!

    Result and discussion

    • The comparing wallet behavior for buying and selling NFTs on Flow compared to Ethereum and Solana has been done by using

      The List of Whales

      The number of transactions that whales participate in them

      Total number of transactions

    • The attendance of "whales" on focusing in Flow investigated.

    • Checking the “Flipping“ on Flow compared to other chains by using the number of Selling transactions of Whales in this three crypto currencies within 24 hrs, within a week and within more than one month has been done and the results noted in above sections.

    • The interest of wallets in new projects, or already existing projects on Flow check and explained, Also.