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    Choose 1 liquid staking provider (Ankr / Lido / rocketpool, etc) and answer the following question: How much ETH was staked? How many unique depositors are there? What is the avg/median/max/min/distribution of ETH deposits?


    The four liquid stacking provider has been investigated as follow.

    1. ethereum.core.ez_token_transfers was used to find the answers. 2. the contact address for each platform is as below:

    LIDO:0xae7ab96520de3a18e5e111b5eaab095312d7fe84 Stakewise:0xC874b064f465bdD6411D45734b56fac750Cda29A Stkr:0x84db6eE82b7Cf3b47E8F19270abdE5718B936670 Rocket_pool:0x4D05E3d48a938db4b7a9A59A802D5b45011BDe58

    1. By tracking these contact addresses the transaction of each platform were found.


    2. The logarithmic distribution figures for each platform were provided.


    How much ETH was staked?

    The amount of stacking in each stacking provider represented is follow charts.

    First chart shows the amount peer dollar and second one is peer ETH.

    Amount of stacking peer day and cumulative chart for every provider visualized in below graphs. (ETH)


    How many unique depositors are there?

    Number of users and number of transactions in each provider presented in front figures.


    What is the avg/median/max/min/distribution of ETH deposits?

    In order to explain the needed data in this question the Logarithmic distribution chart of each provider has been showed in follow.

    The charts divided into 8 different range and the number of stacking in every stack provider is showed.

    Result and discussion

    Lido stacking provider has the most volume of stacking in dollar an ETH.

    Cumulative chart shows the Rocket_Pool has the maximum value of stacking .

    The number of users / transactions in lido is greater than every stack provider.

    The min of ETH deposits is in range of 0-1 ETH in every provider.

    The max of ETH deposits is:

    1. Between 100000-1000000 in Lido and stkr
    2. Between 1000-10000 in Stakewise and rocket_pool