    Updated 2022-11-03
    select block_timestamp::date as date,
    case when date>='2022-06-04' and date<='2022-08-17' then 'Before hack fake rumors'
    when date>'2022-08-17' and date<='2022-08-24' then 'A few daysAfter hack fake rumors(1 Week)'
    else 'After hack fake rumors' end as Time,
    sum(eth_value) as total_volume from optimism.core.fact_event_logs
    join optimism.core.fact_transactions using(tx_hash)
    where tx_status = 'SUCCESS'
    and date>='2022-06-04' and date<='2022-11-01'
    group by 1,2
    order by 1
    Run a query to Download Data