alirsethereum TX count per user
    Updated 2022-07-19
    with user_TX as (select
    FROM_ADDRESS as users,
    count(distinct TX_HASH) over (partition by users) as Num_transaction
    from ethereum.core.fact_transactions
    BLOCK_TIMESTAMP::date>='2022-04-20' and


    when Num_transaction=1 then 'A-Only one transaction'
    when Num_transaction>1 and Num_transaction<=10 then 'B-transaction between 1 and 10'
    when Num_transaction>10 and Num_transaction<=50 then 'C- transaction between 10 and 50'
    when Num_transaction>50 and Num_transaction<=100 then 'D- transaction between 50 and 100'
    when Num_transaction>100 and Num_transaction<=500 then 'E-transaction between 100 and 500'
    when Num_transaction>500 then 'F- Greater than 500'
    end as group1,
    when Num_transaction=1 then '1'
    when Num_transaction>1 and Num_transaction<=10 then '2'
    when Num_transaction>10 and Num_transaction<=50 then '3'
    when Num_transaction>50 and Num_transaction<=100 then '4'
    when Num_transaction>100 and Num_transaction<=500 then '5'
    when Num_transaction>500 then '6'
    end as rank,
    count(distinct users) as TX_count
    from user_TX
    group by 1,2
    order by 2

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