LUNA Total Supply

    Q202. Display the LUNA Total Supply and LUNA non-circulating supply over 30, 60, 90 days and one year. Compare your solution to at least one other data benchmark, e.g. Smart Stake, Terra Station, CoinMarketCap.



    In this dashboard, we will be looking at the LUNA total supply and non-circulating supply.

    For the total supply, the Core Module: Bonded Tokens Pool (terra1fl48vsnmsdzcv85q5d2q4z5ajdha8yu3nln0mh) addresses is excluded to calculate the total supply, as it is where the staked LUNA supply is held.

    By comparison, quoted from Smart Stake's page, their non-circulating supply includes:

    • TFL holdings
    • Community spend (LUNA Incentives Distribution)
    • Seigniorage rewards (Oracle)
    • Employee & Investor vesting

    For non-circulating supply, we will be including the LUNA in these wallets:

    • Terraform Labs (TFL)(terra1dp0taj85ruc299rkdvzp4z5pfg6z6swaed74e6)
    • Luna Foundation Guard (LFG) (terra1gr0xesnseevzt3h4nxr64sh5gk4dwrwgszx3nw)
    • LUNA Incentives Distribution (terra1wqmfu6w725sal3nvr0ggy49mmtwqgc6tyf4anp)
    • Oracle Rewards (terra1jgp27m8fykex4e4jtt0l7ze8q528ux2lh4zh0f)

    Since the vested $LUNA tokens are rather unknown, hence I think it is still safe to say that the $LUNA total supply and non-circulating supply are still fairly accurate in this dashboard.


    We will be looking at the total supply and non-circulating supply in different timespans. Note that By separating the LUNA total supply into circulating and non-circulating, it achieves the aim of this dashboard. We will be looking at the data in timespans of:

    • past 30 days
    • past 60 days
    • past 90 days
    • past year (2021)

    Note: The data in this dashboard was retrieved on 8 May 2022.


    In general, I think it is safe to say that with the growing demand of $UST, hence the minting of $UST, the burning of $LUNA had been always there, thus, the total supply of $LUNA can be seen in a declining trend.
