amelia-leeUntitled Query
    Updated 2022-11-24
    price as (select HOUR::DATE as TIME, avg (PRICE) as Price from ethereum.core.fact_hourly_token_prices where SYMBOL = 'WETH' GROUP by 1)
    date_trunc ('month',BLOCK_TIMESTAMP) as date,
    count (DISTINCT TX_HASH) as Mint,
    count (DISTINCT NFT_TO_ADDRESS) as Minter,
    count (DISTINCT TOKENID) as Token,
    sum (TX_FEE) as Fee,
    sum (TX_FEE * Price) as USD_Fee,
    Mint / Minter as Mint_Per_User,

    sum (Mint) over (order by Date) as cum_Mint,
    sum (Minter) over (order by Date) as cum_Minter,
    sum (Token) over (order by Date) as cum_Token,
    sum (Fee) over (order by Date) as cum_Fee,
    sum (USD_Fee) over (order by Date) as cum_USD_Fee
    from ethereum.core.ez_nft_mints LEFT JOIN price ON TIME = BLOCK_TIMESTAMP::DATE
    where NFT_ADDRESS = '0x629a673a8242c2ac4b7b8c5d8735fbeac21a6205' and EVENT_TYPE = 'nft_mint'
    and NFT_FROM_ADDRESS = '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000'
    group by 1

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