amin-zHow much mSOL has been deposited into the single-side MNDE pool in the month of March
    Updated 2022-05-06
    select block_timestamp::date as date, sum(inner_instruction:instructions[0]:parsed:info:amount/POW(10,9)) as mSOLamount
    from solana.fact_events
    where block_timestamp::date between '2022-03-01' and '2022-03-31'
    and instruction:programId = 'QMNeHCGYnLVDn1icRAfQZpjPLBNkfGbSKRB83G5d8KB'
    and instruction:accounts[2] = 'Hs2XmWQFw3ExawMQkCsBGQGX73JG1n2Qpjm8G7dYRw7m'
    and instruction:accounts[6] = 'J829VB5Fi7DMoMLK7bsVGFM82cRU61BKtiPz9PNFdL7b'
    group by date
    order by date desc
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