amir007-Q63RX1Liquidity Pools - Wallet Composition - Wallet Type
    Updated 2022-10-26
    with date_of_last_price as
    select date as last_date
    from osmosis.core.fact_daily_balances
    order by 1 desc
    limit 1
    ), price as
    select RECORDED_AT::date as date
    , address
    , avg(price) as avg_price
    from osmosis.core.dim_prices prc
    join osmosis.core.dim_labels lbl on prc.symbol = lbl.project_name
    group by 1, 2
    ), daily_balance as
    select as date
    , blc.address as wallet_address
    , (blc.balance / pow(10, decimal)) * prc.avg_price as balance_usd
    , case
    when balance_usd <= 10 then 'Shrimp (balance less than $10)'
    when balance_usd > 10 and balance_usd <= 100 then 'Crab (balance between $10 and $100)'
    when balance_usd > 100 and balance_usd <= 1000 then 'Octopus (balance between $100 and $1k)'
    when balance_usd > 1000 and balance_usd <= 5000 then 'Fish (balance between $1k and $5k)'
    when balance_usd > 5000 and balance_usd <= 10000 then 'Dolphin (balance between $5k and $10k)'
    when balance_usd > 10000 and balance_usd <= 100000 then 'Shark (balance between $10k and $100k)'
    when balance_usd > 100000 and balance_usd <= 1000000 then 'Whale (balance between $100k and $1m)'
    when balance_usd > 1000000 then 'Humpback (balance greater than $1m)'
    end as wallet_type
    from osmosis.core.fact_daily_balances blc
    join price prc on blc.currency = prc.address
    and =
    where = (select last_date from date_of_last_price)
    ), wallet_balance as
    select wallet_type
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