amir007-Q63RX1Liquidity Pool ROI - Osmosis Bounties 2
    Updated 2022-06-21
    with cte_token_price as
    select recorded_at::date as price_date
    , symbol as token_name
    , dim_labels.address as token_address
    , avg(price) as token_price
    from osmosis.core.dim_prices
    join osmosis.core.dim_labels on dim_prices.symbol = dim_labels.project_name
    where symbol = 'OSMO'
    group by 1, 2, 3
    select count(case when ROI < 1 then liquidity_provider_address else null end) as "ROI < 1%"
    , count(case when ROI between 1 and 20 then liquidity_provider_address else null end) as "ROI 1%-20%"
    , count(case when ROI > 20 then liquidity_provider_address else null end) as "ROI > 20%"
    select liquidity_provider_address
    , lp_value_added
    , lp_value_removed
    , lp_value_added - lp_value_removed as lp_value
    , ((lp_value_added - lp_value_removed) / (sum(lp_value_added - lp_value_removed) over ())) * 100 as ROI
    select fact_liquidity_provider_actions.liquidity_provider_address
    , sum(case when action = 'pool_joined' then fact_liquidity_provider_actions.amount * cte_token_price.token_price else 0 end) as lp_value_added
    , sum(case when action = 'pool_exited' then fact_liquidity_provider_actions.amount * cte_token_price.token_price else 0 end) as lp_value_removed
    from osmosis.core.fact_liquidity_provider_actions
    join cte_token_price on fact_liquidity_provider_actions.currency = cte_token_price.token_address
    and fact_liquidity_provider_actions.block_timestamp::date = cte_token_price.price_date
    where fact_liquidity_provider_actions.block_timestamp between CURRENT_DATE - 60 and CURRENT_DATE
    group by 1
    ) liquidity_provider
    where lp_value_added - lp_value_removed > 0
    ) ROI_result
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