with osmo_buy as
select date_trunc('month', block_timestamp::date) as date
, sum(to_amount/1e6) as to_osmo
from osmosis.core.fact_swaps
where block_timestamp::date >= '2022-01-01'
and to_currency = 'uosmo'
group by 1
), osmo_sell as
select date_trunc('month', block_timestamp::date) as date
, sum(from_amount/1e6) as from_osmo
from osmosis.core.fact_swaps
where block_timestamp::date >= '2022-01-01'
and from_currency = 'uosmo'
group by 1
), osmo_hodl as
select osmo_buy.date as date
, to_osmo
, from_osmo
, to_osmo - from_osmo as sum_osmo_hodl
from osmo_buy
join osmo_sell on osmo_buy.date = osmo_sell.date
select date as "Date (Month)"
, sum(to_osmo) over (order by date) as "buy osmo"
, sum(from_osmo) over (order by date) as "sell osmo"
, sum(sum_osmo_hodl) over (order by date) as "sum osmo HODL"
from osmo_hodl
order by 1