amir007-Q63RX1Osmosis - Daily Active User - WAU & WT
    Updated 2022-10-19
    with wau as
    select date_trunc('week', block_timestamp) as week
    , count(distinct tx_from) as unique_active_user
    , count(distinct tx_id) as transactions_count
    from osmosis.core.fact_transactions
    where block_timestamp::date >= current_date - (({{PastWeeks}} - 1) * 7)
    and tx_status = 'SUCCEEDED'
    group by 1
    select week as "Week"
    , unique_active_user as "WAU"
    , transactions_count as "WT"
    , sum(unique_active_user) over (order by week) as "Cumulative WAU"
    , sum(transactions_count) over (order by week) as "Cumulative WT"
    from wau
    order by 1

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